Alex Quinn

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I will never understand her leaving but I will respect it. But... what if she didn't?

Torres made another stupid joke that probably had something to do with being undercover. Who knows. He's a bit annoying. He can be like an awkward sexy... thing.

But he's my awkward sexy thing.

We just, clicked and I'm not quite sure why. But you know what? We're happy with it, the teams happy with it. We thought they wouldn't be ok with it, so we kept it a secret for a while. But, we realized we should just tell themc and if they weren't ok with it they weren't ok with it. Heck I don't know why they wouldn't be though, Tony and Ziva are married, so are Abby and McGee.

So, that's been me. Happy, at NCIS, with Torres. Why would I want to be anywhere else?

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