Jacquline Sloane

619 11 0

So new to the show and such a great story...
Everyone's taking about the new girl. The new girl and her lollipops. That's what I'll always be famous for. But hey, everyone loves them. The ships and their kids.

By ships of course I mean the couples like Tony and Ziva, or Kate and Ari, or even Quinn and Torres. Not actual navy ships.

I've been accepted here fairly quickly... I think. I don't know with some of these people. They're confusing, but that's ok. People can be confusing. I know I certainly am.

I'm not a very open person, I don't think at least, but the bits and pieces that have come out have been big. I'm not ready to come out with everything right now.

So for now, I will stick with being the lollipop lady.

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