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-I Thought This Song Would Be Partially Right For This Story- Author-Chan

Age 5

"What is it Like?". I ask my mommy curiously. "What do you mean?". "I mean what's it like to see?". I heard a soft gasp and felt her hands hold mine. She whispered softly in my ear. "I'm Sorry". But that was always her answer if I asked that. All I wanted was for her to tell me what things looked like. What it felt like when you see your family. But she never told me.

Our home, My mommy said that it was in something called the woods and it was small and away from this thing she called people. What are people?  And why can't I take off this cloth that's over my eyes? I think that I Probably wouldn't need to ask these questions if she would just let me see. Maybe, I'm just not meant to know.

Age 13

I was in a room my mother said was where I sleep. I sat waiting to start hearing a story song, only to just hear the turn of pages. Soon she started singing these song-stories called fairy tales. My favorite was about the lady in the tower. It was so sad but, in a way it was beautiful. The melody was bittersweet and poetic. I loved it. My mother said it was called 'Mademoiselle Noir'. A lot of it was this language called french.The language was beautiful. Soon I started singing along whenever she sang it. By now I knew it by heart. 

I now didn't need my mother to guide me through the house and she left. Every 2 weeks she would come bring food and put it away since I couldn't see and she didn't want me to recognize anything by sight.

Age: 16

Like every day I sat at a desk near the window. I knew the window was there because of the cool morning breeze blowing through it. Wonder and curiosity went through me. What is it like? I wished so hard to be able to take off this blindfold and see the world around me. Most of the things I knew were from stories and fairytales my mother read me. By now I knew that my mother had me blindfolded because she was ashamed of me, not because I am blind. The truth is that if I knew how to take off the blindfold and did it, I would be able to see. 

I guess that's just how my life is.....

The Wonder In Her Eyes (Ticci Toby x Isolated! Amaru-Chan)Where stories live. Discover now