Jealous/misunderstanding -6

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Jimin P.O.V:
"Are you out of your mind Woozi hates the alpha voice!" I was currently screaming at Soonyoung, but my best friend and my new mate couldn't hear a thing. "Well if he won't let me scent him how will other alphas and some betas act when an adorable unscented omega is walking around school, i'm not letting one lay a finger on MY MATE!" Soonyoung seems kinda of scary but my alpha is here I turn around expecting to see Suga ignoring my best friend but instead he is giving him his number I DON'T EVEN HAVE HIS NUMBER. WHY I'M I SO MAD? I SHOULD TRUST MY BEST FRIEND. right? Woozi got up and whispered something into his ear and he imedentllay blushes. Tears. That is all I could see. Why does this make me ssa? "Are you okay?" I heard a voice I tried to wipe the tears but they just kept coming. Was I being foolish for thinking that I found my mate. Was I just a tool for 'my mate' to get close to my so called best friend. "Why are you crying" I still couldn't see who was talking. I ran to mine and Woozi's apartment I didn't want to see Woozi but I would have to talk to him sometime.
~Time skip~
I laid in my bed with a whole months worth of junkfood. *Bam* my bedroom door came flying opened "What the hell Mochi?!" it was Woozi, Fuck it's to early to face him. He made his way to my bed pushing aside the candy wrappers. "Hey, look at me what's wrong?" I avoided eye contact for my eyes are still red and puffy from crying. "Why?" my voice raspy and barely even a whisper. He gave me a confused look like he did nothing wrong. "He gave you his number, what did you tell him, why was he blushing..." I couldn't stop talking in till he shoved some chocolates in my mouth. "Calm down don't get your boxers in a twist, I asked for his number for you and he blushed because I told him you are suppose to get your heat soon remember and when you do I can call him, that's why I asked for his number." I never been so embarrassed and disappointed in myself than now, I thought my best-friend who been there for me... betrayed me. "I'm so sorry." more tears started to pour out. He rubbed my back, "It's okay you were just protective of Yoongi-hyung ." He softly smiled.
Suga P.O.V:
I saw my baby tearing up just as Jihoon left. I looked at Hoshi who was trying to comfort him. I hated it. That should be me comforting him. I ran over to him and I just pushed Hoshi for some reason even though he was just trying to help . "Why are you crying?" my baby didn't say anything instead he ran away. I searched for Jihoon who hadn't gone very far. I told him everything and never in my life have I seen such a worried face on this omega. He started running to I have no idea were. "I'll text you when I find him." after what seemed like an hour. I got a text. After reading the text I was happy that my baby was alright. (Woozi left the detail of the reason he was crying)

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