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Hoshi P.O.V:
Woozi ran to the kitchen for some reason, I ran behind him. The pups were playing with the stove, he pulled them away from it. "Hoshi can you get the stuff from the attic." It was the first time he called me Hoshi I was so happy. I skipped to the attic. I saw a chest that said mother. I was tempted to open it but I didn't dare to. I found a crib and next to it was a pile of beds. Omegas are so prepared for pups. I brought two beds, some pair of clothes, and toys. Once I put the things into a empty guest room I walked in to the kitchen I was hit with the smell of soup and a smell I never smelled. Woozi was stirring the soup and the pups were watching T.V. "I'm done." Chenle was the first to notice me and ran to me. "Thanks can you get them ready for dinner" I nodded and went to pick Minho up. I set them on high chairs. I walked passed Jihoon and the smell I never smelled before was coming from him. I warped my arms around him. He tried to break free but couldn't. I stuck my nose in his scent gland. "Hmmm what is this scent, I never smelled it before." He stopped producing the scent at once. "It's nothing let go of me." I didn't like the idea of my mate keeping secrets from me. I let go and he went to clean the pups. He picked them up and carried them upstairs. *Bang Bang* I went to open the door but it swung open, reveling Yong with 3 pups. Just then Woozi came down but froze when he saw Yong. "Ah baby look they're are new pups." He pointed at the 3 pups with loads of energy. When the saw him the squealed in delight. "Mommy?" These 3 are younger than Chenle and Minho. The 3 looked abused and Yong had a whip with him. Yong walked towards Woozi. But I jumped in front of him. "Baby why do you smell like this low-life alpha, don't tell me he claimed you. Fuck this bitch did, looks like I'll have to bite down harder and fuck you till all you smell like is me." He licked his lips. I growled territorial. We both shifted to wolf form the kids started to cry. I made the first move, I bit his neck and he bit my leg. The police must have got a call cause soon after they came and arrested him. The kids were put under are custody.
Jimin P.O.V
Me and Suga decide to say are farewells and head home. I carried a sleeping Taemin into Suga's car. "Hoshi probably claimed Woozi now." Suga patted Taemin's head. "What do you mean babe?" He turned on the car, while waiting I explained. "When he left I heard a scream from around the corner, I mind-linked Woozi if it was him we are in a distance to mind-link, so I did and he sounded scared it was Yong hurting Minho. After that the Mind-link broke which either means he got taken, he started to run away, or Hoshi made it in time and i'm guessing it's the third". "You're right babe, I just got a text from Hoshi telling me he claimed Jihoon before Yong did." that means Hoshi forced himself on him. "Then it says, 'Yong came in with 3 abused pups we fought and the police came, arrested Yong and put the 3 pups under are custody for the time being. I'm pretty sure the police officer was eye fucking my mate.' I couldn't believe i told not to force himself on him. "Ugh i'mma kill Hoshi" Suga snickered and started to drive. Once we went inside Taemin woke up. He looked around the unknown location and started to cry. "Ahh nonono baby it's fine." God damn why wasn't I that good with pups, I thought about it my parents were both alphas so they trained me like one while Woozi's dad couldn't care less so he never bothered to train him, his mom wanted him to be an omega for some reason and trained him like one. I didn't notice that Suga went to go get a bed. "Why do you have a bed?" He smirked and picked up Taemin. "Baby don't you remember we never used condoms and I knotted you. I blushed and turned away.
Woozi P.O.V:
Just great I just claimed, I have to take care of more pups and Jimin tricked me. He must have moved in with Yoongi hyung. Yong really adopted kids just for me it was kind of sweet "if he wasn't so possessive, rude and a pysho I would have accepted him". I must of been thinking out loud cause the next thing I know i'm being pinned by Hoshi. "Baby you are mine, we have pups." his tone sent shivers down my spine. "They're adopted and 3 of them are temporarily" that reminded me they must have got hurt by Yong. "Don't worry babe soon you'll bare my pups" he poked at my belly. He lifted my shirt and stared he licked his lips. He creased my tummy. Just then Minho and Chenle came in. They waddled over and poked my tummy. "Soft mommy is soft" Chenle crawled on to my stomach. Minho growled. "Looks like Minho will be an alpha" Hoshi looked at me confused. I took a whiff of Chenle. "Chenle will grow up to be an omega. Hoshi got off and minho lifted my shirt more and pushed Chenle off. "Aish this pup" I tried to get up but wouldn't get of. "Minho please get off me" He whined and Hoshi took him off he started to cry. "You seem to like them you can keep them oh you should leave now, bye thanks for all the help" Minho started to cry more and made grabby hands to me. Chenle was clamly sitting next to Hoshi. I got up and so did Hoshi he placed Minho on the ground and he ran towards me. "I'm not going anywhere" he grabbed my chin. It was a mess Chenle was the only sane one here. "you'll be sleeping in the guest room" I pointed to the hallway. "Baby you're my omega, I'll be sleeping with you" I picked Chenle up. "The hell you're not" He picked me up bridal style and placed Minho on my stomach. "The hell I am, I'm the Alpha i'll sleep where ever I want and I feel like sleeping with my mate." I gulped and nodded he smiled and carried us to my bed. He placed me down and I didn't dare to make a run for it. I put Chenle and Minho to sleep. I was about to change in the bathroom when Hoshi got in my way. "Umm excuse me I need to change." He smirked at me and started to undress himself
I scoffed and turned to change in my walk in closet. "Baby i'm your mate you don't have to change in the closet." It was too late I came out with an oversized t-shirt exposing my hideous pale thighs.
Suga P.O.V:
I walked towards Jimin and handed him a pregnancy test, he started to blush even more and scurried off to the bathroom. I was actually realling hoping for pups of my very own. I already know Jin is a couple months in. I just rembered the mate event is suppose to take place. Tomorrow, I called Namjoon. "We are excused from school, the place upgraded this time the rooms are soundproof." I could tell he was grinning. I heard a sequel waking up Taemin. Taemin didn't cry instead he pouted. Jimin came out running with the test in one hand. He shoved the test into my chest. It was......positive. I engulfed him into a tight hug once he broke free he went towards Taemin and told him the news. I was so happy I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled him he giggled softly. "How do we tell everyone" I thought about it "not sure baby let's wait a couple of weeks" he nodded. "I'm pretty sure Woozi can figure it out even if I didn't tell him" oof how could I forget of course Jihoon will know these two have a strange bond. "Just ask him not to tell anybody." He nodded and I let go he whined at the lost of contact. I plopped myself on to the couch and turned on the TV.

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