Morning -27

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Woozi P.O.V:
I woke up sore from yesterday's mating session with only my pj shirt and boxers, but i wasn't to sore for my first thing to do was push Hoshi of the bed. He yelped in pain and stood up. "Morning baby" I scoffed and pulled the covers over myself. "You're to rough Hoshi, My original mate would have been gent..." maybe teasing an alpha during mating season wasn't my best idea. He jumped on top of me and snarled. I whimpered and peeked through the covers. His eyes were red so I did the normal thing any omega would do... provoke him more. "I wondered if Mingyu mated yet, cause he would make a perfect father for my pups." He bit my neck, a sign of dom over the sub also know as me. I yelped and once he let go I nuzzled his cheek. "I'm kidding alpha" I licked both cheeks and he froze I used that time to escape. I went inside the pups room who happened to be restless. "Goodmorning pups, did you sleep well" Hoshi came in and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. "Anything you want today" The pups got out of bed and walked to Hoshi. "Daddy make mommy have a baby brother" I stood there shocked how the fuck did this pups learn that. Hoshi chuckled and patted there heads. "Of course you can have a baby brother" I hit his head and dragged all them to the living room. "Okay listen here, sometimes you don't get what you want like this right know, I don't want a pup." The pups were giggling for some reason. "Of course we can't have another pup, because mommy will have many pups" I smacked my forehead and just gave up I lied down on the couch giving up on life. The pups crawled under my shirt but I was to lazy to give an actually Fuck that was until I felt a tug in my nips. I yelped and Hoshi came rushing in (he was making breakfast since I gave up on life for a moment) "what's wrong baby" I squirmed around trying to free myself. "Help me alpha, they won't let go" Once I called him alpha he immdentliey lifted my shirt and pulled the two pups making a pop sound as they where pulled of. "Silly pups male omegas don't give milk" I hit his arm and he rubbed it with a pout on his face. "Alpha did you never pay attention to health ed I do give milk, but only when I have a new born" He inched closer to me staring at my stomach. "What Hoshi" He grabbed my waist and moved me to his lap.

Suga P.O.V:
After round two my omgea was too sore to get out of bed. Well at least I know i'm not one of those gently alphas. I had to go to work soon so I prepared breakfeast for 3 pups and one omega. I made sure to take the pups to daycare so they wouldn't disturb Jimin I brought his food to the bedroom and left it in the side table so he didn't have to move. I kissed his head and brought the pups to daycare. Woozi was dropping of the pups, which was surprising since it's still mating season. I waved at Woozi while walking over to him and his pups. "Morning Suga, is Jimin well" I nodded and we watched the pups play with each other. After a while we bid each other farewell. I headed of to work and went to my office in my own company. I work at a music production studio me and Hoshi tend to collab, since we both trust each other. A few hours had passed and I really just wanted yo go home. Apparently my baby was to sore and asked Woozi to pick up are pups. I was fine with it since my mate trusted Woozi so much. After work I made sure to pick up apology flowers for leaving my baby alone. Once I was outside I heard screaming from inside It was confirmed, my baby has gone mad. "PLEASE" I unlocked the door and the house was filled with beeping. "Hmph, he hung up on me" I peered into the kitchen to see My baby angrily typing on his phone. I sneaked up on him and wrapped my arms around his petite waist. "ALPHA, you sacred me" I turned him around so he was facing me. I shoved the flowers in his face he started to cough and I finally removed them. "Who were you talking to, and are you not sore anymore cause I'm up for round 3" he gasphed and started attacking me. "Just kidding babe" he shook his head and kissed my cheek. "It was Woozi".

Hoshi P.O.V:
I picked Woozi onto my lap. I was getting horny thinking of my baby swelled up and breast-feeding are pups. He gasped when he felt my bulge in my boxers and tried to get of. The movement made me even more harder. He slamed onto my bulge and he freed himself. "I'm going to drop of the pups now. He picked up the pups and ran to the car. So I ate breakfeast by myself. I wonder if my baby is pregnant yet. After an hour I began to worry, my baby isn't back yet. I opened the door and Woozi was reaching out for the knob. He looked up and are eyes locked together. I jumped up and was about to jump on him but he moved away. "Where were you" he scoffed and walked inside. "Don't you need to go to work know" I checked the time and I only had a few miuntes left. He giggled and sat on the sofa scrolling through his phone. "Hey Hoshi I want to start working which sounds better, Producer or Bartender." I rushed into the room and stood in front of him. "Do you think I can't provide for my own mate and future pups" He shifted upwards. "Well..." I kissed him roughly and he fell onto the couch. He pushed me off him. "You need to go to work if you truly want to prove yourself." He got up and headed to his car. I sighed and headed to work.

Jimin P.O.V:
I woke up to the smell of oatmeal. I fluttered my eyes open and sat upward. My alpha is so sweet he made breakfeast and took the pups to daycare. I stood up and I wasn't that sore compared to are first round and are first time actually doing it. I checked my calendar and It was the day that Woozi went for his check-up. I video called him as i ate my oatmeal. "Hey chim what's up" he was inside his car. "Are you heading for you're check up now" "yeah, I just finished dropping of Lele and Minho" I squealed. "Tell if you are pregnant once your check up is over." "I'd prefer that I didn't have a pup" I huffed, "LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE WANTS A LITTLE SOONHOON PUP RUNNING AROUND THE EARTH, NO RUNNING AROUND THE UNIVERSE" He rolled his eyes and the video became steady which means that he arrvied. "I'll tell you after it, see you later Chim" he hung up and I just sat there waiting for him to answer. I really hope he has a pup.

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