Help -11

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Woozi P.O.V:
Once Namjoon bite my neck all the terrible memories of my father and the pack filled my head, I couldn't hold it in. I ran out of the house, I heard Namjoon yell something about wearing a warmer sweater. They probably found, the blood puddle, the razor and my old photos. I chuckled to myself. I started to walk since I got tired of running when a pair of strong arms pulled me to an alley. "Hey baby boy" fuck this shit why now.
Namjoon P.O.V:
I pointed at some old photos with cut up letters and pictures. "Those are some old photos of Woozi and his old pack." Jimin was barely a whisper and didn't say anything about the letters since he din't know himself.. "Can you tell me about it?" Jimin nodded his head. "I can tell who everyone is?" i nodded. "Please don't get mad Hoshi." Hoshi gave a questioning look at Jimin. "That's his uncle, aunt, and some other relatives, some more pack members, that's woozi". Jimin pointed at a cute little black haired boy. "That was his mom" Jimin pointed at s beautiful women with long black hair that shined in the light, she had the same eye smile like Jihoon. "And thats His dad." Jimin pointed at a man whose face was cut out of the photo. "What, who is that?" I pointed at a tall handsome boy around Jihoon's age in the photo. "That well was his assigned mate." I quickly grabbed Hoshi. "LET THE FUCK GO I MUST GO AND FIND HIM SO I CAN PUNISH HIM AND MARK HIM." I didn't loosen my grip on him. "Kinky" Jimin wiggled his eyebrows. Hoshi somehow manged to free himself. "Get back here Hoshi!" it was to late he already shifted to wolf form.
Jimin P.O.V:
I decide to call Suga. "Hey babe what's up" his voice was soothing to me. "Ah it's just Woozi ran out of the house as soon as Namjoon placed the pack mark and Soonyoung went looking for him." I decide to leave out the part about all the blood. "I hope Soonyoung can find him." Suga huffed, "that idiot will probably get back to his normal self." Normal self ain't this his other self, "Babe what do you mean other self" This better not harm my friend. "Hoshi other self is well it's kinda hard to explain but the way you see him right now isn't his other self it's like his inner wolf took a vacation to train for his future mate when he finds someone he likes his other self will return, if he wants Jihoon he'll get him even if it means using force." I gulped "Does that mean if he wants to fuck him Woozi has no choice?" I heard Suga chuckle. "Damn baby I was thinking of cuddling if you want to fuck you could have just said so." I felt my face start to burn up. "Well I got to go my baby isn't going to get pups by himself." Namjoon was standing next to the door, "Take care of Jihoon" he waved goodbye. I swear do this guys have no limit. "I'm coming over baby." he hung up and soon after I heard the door bust open. "Babe can't you knock." I left my room to go check if my house was still in one piece. He ran up to me and engulfed me in a tight hug he started to shower me with kisses. "What's wrong babe." I tried to push him off but it didn't work what a clingy alpha. We sat down on the couch and started to watch movies.
Soonyoung P.O.V
'Looks like we found are mate huh'
'Yeah I can't wait to claim him as mine' I was having a conversion with my inner wolf when I shifted back to human form. I started searchering for my baby. "Fuck off would you." I heard a voice and started to follow it. The voice lead my to a alley way, this is were all the shit goes down. "Come on I know you want it, little omega " I could tell that was an alpha. When I got closer I could tell it was my baby. "Get of my omega!" I started to walk towards him trying to impress Jihoon. I tried to make out the scent but it was back to normal his usually reassuring calm scent. He must be really good at hiding what he really feels. The alpha was pinning him to the wall and Jihoon looked uninterested.
3rd person P.O.V:
"BACK OFF WOULD YOU!" He threw Woozi behind him. Hoshi's eyes were flashing red. The two alpha's started fighting Woozi put on headphones and started listening to music. After a couple of minutes Hoshi won the fight. He rushed over to Jihoon and started sniffing him all over. "He better have not fucked you!" Hoshi started to nuzzle Jihoon. "Back the fuck up." Hoshi growled and Woozi stopped and looked at the ground. "That's a good boy." Hoshi looked at his neck and sighed in relief when the only mark there was the pack mark. "Can I fuck you?" Woozi started to say something when Hoshi aggressively smashed his lips on the smaller. He nibbled on his lip trying to gain entrance but Woozi didn't allow it. Hoshi eventually gave up he grabbed Woozi's wrist and Woozi hissed in pain. "WHAT DID YOU DO!" Hoshi used his alpha voice. Woozi was to tired to get his real inner wolf out. (After a couple of months have passed from his terrible pass he gained the ability to hid his emotions and he has two inner wolves his 1st one is hardly scarred his 2nd isn't that brave). "" Hoshi growled and Woozi hung his head low. "I'm sorry baby but when stuff like this happens I can't help but get territoral." "I'm not your baby." Hoshi grabbed his sleeves and pulled the up. His eyes turned red, "Baby you better have not do this to yourself." Woozi looked away and scoffed. Hoshi picked Woozi up and Woozi tried to escape his grip. "Fuck off I didn't need your help." Woozi started to punch his back. "I heard you had a assigned mate." Hoshi was growling dangerously low. "So?" Woozi didn't want to remember his mate. "Did you love him?" Hoshi started to walk towards Woozi's and Jimin's home. "That's none if your business is it!" Hoshi smacked his ass. Woozi hissed. "Wait what day is it today?" Woozi sounded worried. "Baby are you trying to change the topic?" Hoshi chuckled to himself. "No whats the damn day?"
Woozi P.O.V
"Thursday the 6th, why?" Soonyoung finally decided to answer my damn question. "Fuck, put me down I need to hurry." This son of a bitch didn't put me down instead smacked my ass again. "I'M NOT PLAYING PUT ME DOWN!" he didn't say anything for a while. "If i'm able to scent you." The fuck is he really worth all this, "fine now put me down." He started to jump with happiness and he put me down I lost to much blood to shift into my wolf form, so I ran instead. I finally made it back home with Soonyoung behind me. I opened the door. Luckily Jimin's heat didn't start. He was on the couch cuddling Yoongi hyung. "YOU'RE BACK, I MISSED YOU DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" Jimin tackled me down and I whispered something in his ear,"Your heat is suppose to come today." his face turned red, I pushed him off. "So Yoongi-hyung ready?" He gave me a questioning look. "H.e.a.t" both alphas looked shocked while Jimin still looking red. "Shall I go pick up some more pills?" Yoongi got up from the couch grabbed Jimin patted Soonyoung's pack and left. I walked to my room and picked some clothes. I changed my pants into a warmer pair, just as I took of my turtle neck Soonyoung came in.
Soonyoung P.O.V:
My baby left my standing there in his house after waiting for awhile   I went to his room. Fuck he was changing, He looked towards me and calmly put on his shirt. I couldn't help but stare at his milky white belly. I couldn't wait for his belly to bare my pups. I licked my lips. Once I eyes meet he gave my a disgusted look. "What do you want." His voice was back to his bitter cold tone. I picked him up bridal style and plopped him on the couch. I started to cuddle him but he kept on trying to get up I growled at him whenever he tried to leave my grip.

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