You're The Only Hope For Me.

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Gerard's P.O.V. 

I sighed. A new neighbour. Again. I hated them, they always complained about loud music. So? If you're going to listen to music it has to be loud, right? I sat on the sofa, I hated the area I lived in. Me and Mikey were never allowed out as kids, it was too dangerous. 

'GERARD!' I heard Mikey scream from upstairs, I sighed. For a quiet kid he never shuts up. 

'WHAT?' I shouted back up the stairs. 

'Where's my iPod?' He was at the top of the stairs staring down at me, his face was red from walking around. 

'How the fuck am I meant to know?' I don't touch it, he's attached to it most of the time. He pushed his glasses up his nose a little, not much though, they balanced at the end of his nose most of the time. 

'I don't know,' He grunted and walked away, I went back to sitting on the couch. I flipped on the T.V, not much was on. I flipped through the channels. I threw the remote aside, the new neighbours will be here soon. Oh God. 

I stormed down in to the basement, it was my room, dark and hidden, just how I liked it to be.

I heard a car pull up the the sidewalk, it was the new neighbours. I put down my pencil, I ran up the stairs and in to the kitchen, I made coffee. I was an addict to the stuff. 

'Gerard, Mom said you have to give the neighbours their key so they can get in,' Mikey grabbed a cup   of coffee. 

'I don't know where the key is,' I said plainly, he threw something shiny at me, I caught it and downed the rest of my coffee. 'Fine,' I pointed at him, 'But you have to come with me, whether you like it or not.' 

He nodded, 'I saw them out my window, theirs a girl about your age and a boy that looks about five or something,' He shrugged.

'You were looking at them out your window?' I laughed at him. 

'I thought it was Mom back from work.' He mumbled. 

'Sure,' I said sarcastically, winking at him.

'Shut up, c'mon,' He said pulling me towards the front door. I flicked my hair down so they resembled black curtains framing my face. I sighed. 

Mikey pulled me out the front door, I saw the new neighbours. The girl was about 5'2, wearing black skinnies, a green day shirt and had headphones in, her hair was a long black hair that hit just under her ribs, she was looking down. Their was a kid at her feet playing with a toy car. Her Mom was talking to Mr Jeferson from across the road. He gave us a disgusted look and nodded at us.

'They must have your key then,' He said making a look at us that told us we're not welcome in his presence. 

'Problem?' I asked him smirking, he narrowed his eyes on me. 

'Well, I suppose I'll go back home now, talk to you later, Luce,' he said smiling at the mother of the family. 

'Yes, of course,' she smiled at him. 'Lily,' she said to the girl about my age, 'Get Blake off of the floor please, I told you to hold him, not put him on the floor!'She turned to us, 'Oh, hi, my name is Miss Jones, but you can call me Luce, this is Lily and Blake,' she indicated to her children. 

Mikey spoke up then, 'I'm Mikey and this is Gerard,' He pointed at me. 

'Pointing is rude, Mikey,' I smirked and pushed his finger away from my face. Mikey blushed. 'I have your key, one second,' I rumaged in my pockets for a minute. 'Here,' I said passing it to Miss Jones. She smiled.

'Thanks so much guys, are you in the local high school?' 

'Yeah, both of us are,' I nodded towards Mikey, 'I'm in 12th grade and he's in 11th grade.'

'Oh good, Lily is in 12th too,' she nudged Lily who had been in her own world the whole time we'd been talking .

'Oh.. Erm.. What?' she was pulling her headphones out, she picked up Blake and balanced him on her hip, her eyes were a brigh blue. 

'I was just saying that you could have friends in the same school as you if you don't spend so much time in your room,' she chuckled, Lily blushed and looked at the floor. 

'Oh,' she looked at us and smilied, 'sorry to ask but what're your names? I couldn't hear before.' her cheeks a deeper shade of red. Cute. 

'I'm Gerard and this is Mikey,' I smiled, 'We're in the same year in school,' 

'Oh right,' she smiled. 

'Well, we must be going to unpack and things, the van with the rest of our stuff will be here soon,' Luce waved as they all went in. 

'Bye,' We both waved and walked back in to the house. 

Mikey's P.O.V.

School tomorrow, I hate it, so does Gerard. I don't know why the new girl wants to hang around with us, she'll just get beaten up like me and Gerard do. I sighed walking down in to the kitchen to make another coffee. 

'Gerard?' I shouted down at the basement. I heard something fall, probably him. 

'What?' He grumbled up the stairs. 

'I'm making coffee, want some?' that was a stupid question, of course he did, when doesn't he? 

'Of course!' he cheered up then, running up the stairs. I giggled. 

I made coffee and gave him his. I walked up the stairs and downed my coffee, I soon drifted off to sleep. 

***Next morning***

I woke up at about half six, I quickly got dressed. I jogged in to Gerard's room and threw an old pair of skinnies at him, he jumped about 4 feet in to the air.

'Jeez, Mikey, way to ruin my dreams.' he grbbed the jeans I had thrown at him and a shirt off the floor.

'You're welcome,' I walked out of his room and brushed my teeth. I ran up stairs, there was a knock. Frank and Ray. 

I ran to the door and let him in, 'Hey,' they both chimed happily as Gerard jogged up the stairs and in to the kitchen. 

Gerard's P.O.V. 

Oh great. Frank's here, that boy is the most hyper kid I've ever met, I wandered in to the kitchen and quickly drank my coffee. Frank jumped on my back. 

Hi, hi, hi, Gerard!' He squealed as I pushed him off. 

'Morning, Frank,' I said dodging past him. 'Hey, Ray,' I stroked his 'fro and grabbed my bag. 

We piled out of my house and in to the street. 

Lily came out her house at the same time, 'Lily!' I heard Mikey shout. 

'Hey,' she smiled walking towards us. 

'This is Frank and Ray,' I said, they waved in turn, 'This is Lily, the new neighbour.' she waved at them. 

We started walking towards the next seven hours of Hell. 


This is my first Fan Fiction, I don't know whether I like it or not:L! 

Any critisism is taken, thanks^_^

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