Chapter two.

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Lily’s P.O.V.

I walked alongside Gerard; I wasn’t paying much attention as we neared school. I stepped out in to the road, looking down at my phone; I was missing my best friends from Seattle already. Leila (Pronounced Lay-Lah), Alex and Finn. Yep, two of them were boys, what can I say? I get along better with boys then I do with girls.

I heard tires screech and felt hands around my waist pulling me back, a car came to a halt about two meters in front of where I had been standing.

A blonde gut with a lip piercing and a big fringe sat in the driver’s seat, clutching the wheel so tight his knuckles were white. He was staring straight ahead with his mouth gaping a little.

“Are you okay, Lily?!” I heard Gerard say in to my ear. He had saved me from getting squished. Thank God for him. I turned around a hugged him tight.

“I’m fine, are you? Thanks so much, if it wasn’t for you I’d be on that floor squished!” I pointed to the floor. Gerard chuckled, letting go of my hips. I dropped my arms to my side again. My phone was shattered a little by the side of the road, I dived to get it. It was still working but the screen was messed up. Crap. Shit. Fuck.

“I’m fine, don’t worry, at least your phone is still working.” He smiled stroking the side a little.

The guy from the car got out and jogged towards us.

“Are you okay? Oh God, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching. Oh My God. I’m so sorry, please don’t hate me?” He spoke to quick pulling his hands through his hair.

“No, don’t worry about it. I wasn’t watching too busy texting. Don’t worry I’m fine!”

“Bob, calm down, she’s fine, no one was hurt and your car is fine. It’s all good.” Mikey said, playfully punching him in the arm. Bob smiled weakly and looked down.

“I just feel guilty.”

“Don’t be!” I said happily. I wanted to make friends, so let’s not make one more person hate me.

“Okay,” He grinned, “Let me park my car and we can head in, I’ll show you the office, you’re new right? What’s your name?” He said this all too quickly and I giggled.

“Yeah, I’m new, my names Lily. And I’m guessing your name is Bob?” I laughed; he smiled at me and nodded.

Bob jumped in his car and parked it about 100 meters away. He came back and we all walked in to the school.

Mikey and Bob showed me to the office, Gerard couldn’t because he needed to talk to the art teacher about his project.

I got what I needed for the day. My timetable. My map. My locker number.   

My locker was next to Mikey’s and across the hall from Frank’s.

Homeroom was down the hall, not far. I walked down towards it, keeping my head low. “Oi, emo!” This is exactly why I didn’t have many friends in Seattle. I carried on walking ignoring them.

I dived in to Homeroom, seeing Gerard sitting at the back on his own made me sad... and happy. It made me sad cause he was on his own but it made me happy cause I have someone to sit next to, if that made sense? He smiled up at me.

“Yay, we have homeroom together!” He grinned and waved his hand at me indicating for me to sit next to him. I grinned, throwing all my papers down on to the desk. He picked up my timetable and examined it.

“We have the same lessons,” He grinned even more, as did I.

The day went in a blur and after what seemed like a minute, we were walking back home with Gerard and Mikey. Ray and Frank had lacrosse and Bob had a car so it was just us.

“So, Mikey, did you get beaten up today?” Gerard wondered. Mikey’s brows knitted together.

“Yerp,” He popped the ‘p’.

“Aw, Mikey, I didn’t... Surprisingly.” His face scrunched together. It was adorable, aw.

“Probably because Bob was following you around trying to make it up to Lily,” Mikey laughed at his little joke.

“Ha...” Gerard was cut off. I looked up to see someone from school, holding Gerard by his collar and trying to grab Mikey.

“NO!” I screamed. Trying to grab them back.

“Well, well, well, what have we got here?” He said, spitting on me. EW, gross. “Oh, yeah, it’s the new girl. Emo whore.” I made a face of disgust at him.

“You’re pathetic.” I spat at him. “What do you find so fun about torturing other kid’s lives?!” I screamed this, getting louder and louder and I spoke. The jock gaped at me.

“I-Err... Urrm...” He stuttered, letting go of Gerard and Mikey. “Why are you hanging around with these pieces of crap when you could be hanging with me?”  He smirked as Gerard and Mikes brushed themselves off.

“Because they’re nice people. Better then you, they may not have any self respect because people like you just put them down, they may not always be happy because people like you are stupid cunts. But they’re absolutely fab and I may not have known them for very long but they’re some of my best friends. Now, if you don’t mind, we’d like to get home. Thank you.”

I gave this speech as the jock stood there with his mouth open and Gee and Mikes clapped. I was proud, it was the first time I had stuck up for myself and I was quite happy about it actually.

A/N- It’s quite long but ya’know :D. Took me about an hour to write and it’s dedicated to @xmonstermunchx because she encouraged me to carry on writingJ! I’m going on holiday in about 15 minutes so I have to be going, Byee:D

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