Chapter Six.

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My head was spinning as I opened my eyes. Ugh, Fuck. I dragged my sorry ass out of bed and stumbled, loudly may I say, up to the ground floor. Mikey stood in the kitchen, he sighed and made me some coffee, keeping his poker face on. I sat down at the table, I rubbed my eyes, ugh. 

"Do you remember anything?" Mikey put my coffee down in front of me, he jumped on to the counter and raised his eyebrows at me. 

I thought for a moment. I vaguely remember Lily and vodka. "No, why?" I raised my eyebrow. 

"Lily brought you over, you'd ended up at her house, she was upset," Mikey nibbled his bottom lip a little, "Maybe you should go see her." 

I nodded. "Okay, but I need to get this smell off me, it's actually starting to make me gag," Mikey laughed a little. 

"Go in the shower. Please. I'm going to die," Mikey pretended to die, very dramatically. The back of his hand of his forehead and falling off the chair. I would've laughed but my head killed. I gave him a weak smile. 

About half an hour I was heading over to Lily's house. I scuffed my old black converses over the sidewalk. I walked past the window, looking in as I went, I stopped in my tracks. Lily and Alex were kissing. 

I blinked. No, I don't care. Why should I? I spun around and walked off down the road. 

I went where my feet carried me, I didn't want to think, I wanted to escape for a while. 

I ended up in the comic store. Ray and Frankie were at the back flipping through Marvel comics, Bob was sitting on the counter playing with his drum sticks. I slammed the door as I walked in. 

"Gee, are you okay?" Frankie came and stood in front of me, he was staring up at me with huge eyes. 

"I'm fine." I walked over to the counter and hopped on, I pulled out my iPod and stared at the screen saver. It was me and Lily at the fair a few weeks back, she was wearing Mickey Mouse ears and she was pulling tongues. I was looking down at her smiling, Mikey had taken the picture while he was playing on Angry Birds. He was grumpy cause he lost. I gave a small smile at the thought, the screen went black again. 

"Gerard." Ray and Bob both said in unison, my head snapped up. 


"Tell us what happened. We all know it's got something to do with Lily." I gulped and stared straight forward. 

"She's dating Alex, I saw them kissing." Frankie gasped and looked up from his favourite Batman comic. 

"What? Why?" Bob asked, Ray whacked him upside the head. 

"Dude, that was a really stupid question." 

"How do you expect him to know?" Frankie interjected then. 

Bob mumbled something inaudible, I heard the ding of the bell above the door then. 

My breathe caught in my throat as I looked at the short girl. She was about 5'3, her  blond wavy hair was tied in bunches, she had a Paramore t-Shirt on (always a good band), a panda hoodie that had ears on the hood. A pink and red skirt the went about mid-thigh, the skirt was tight but wasn't over the top. she had panda earring to match the hoodie. Her multi-coloured tights went up to her knees, she was bright blue converse high tops. On her back was a bag that was white and had a vampire ghost on it. She looked like one of those adorable Japanese dolls that were fragile, almost so fragile you didn't want to touch because you thought you would brake her. 

"And Gee is over Lily, like that," Frankie clicked his fingers and giggled. I threw one of Bob's comics from the desk at his head. It missed. "Dude, you suck at P.E, don't try it, I'll lock you in a locker." 

"Frankie, dear, you're the only one here that can fit in a locker, short ass." Ray put on a southern accent and stroked Frankie's fringe as he laughed. 

I heard a cough from in front of us. I looked at the girl, she was too adorable. "Hey, I'm Rebecca," She smiled putting her hand out, she looked me in the eyes. I smirked a little shaking her hand. 

"Hey, Gerard, this is Frankie, Ray and Bob. Mikey should be here any second now," I smiled at Rebecca. 

Behind me Bob mumbled, "Mikey will be here in... 3... 2.... 1." And on cue, Mikey ran in to the shop. 

"Hey guys!" Ray and Bob high fived. "We have company?" Mikey nodded towards Rebecca. 

"Rebecca, this is Mikey. Mikey, this is Rebecca." She grinned at Mikey. 


"I noticed," Rebecca laughed at Mikey, her laugh was adorable. 


I got up from the couch, I needed coffee before I passed out or some shit. I couldn't get what Gerard had said last night off my mind. I made my coffee and grabbed my hoodie. 

"Where you going, baby?" Alex turned around on the couch to look at me. 

"Comic store, I'll be back in a bit," He nodded as I walked out the door. 

I walked in to the comic store playing with the sleeve of my hoodie and biting my bottom lip. 

"Lily!" I was wrapped in a hug, I looked down to see Frankie around my waist grinning at me like a Cheshire cat. 

"Well hello, Frankie," He let go and walked across the store. Everyone kept silent and it was beginning to get awkward. I bit my lip harder. I tasted blood. Oh God. I noticed Gerard was sitting next to a girl, they were sharing a comic. I felt a pang of jealousy. No, I'm going out with Alex. I carried on biting my lip even though it was bleeding. 

"WOW." Mikey stood up and came to stand next to me. Everyone looked at him with curiosity in their eyes. "Nobodies actually going to introduce Lily to Rebecca, wow guys, thought you lot had manners," He pretended to scowled the boys. 

"You just basically introduced them dip shit," Gerard spoke up for the first time, he was avoiding eye contact with me. Wonder what I've done this week. 

"Let me brake this awkward silence," Gerard stood up and helped Rebecca up from the floor. "I'm leaving. Anyone care to join me?" 

"Wait." I finally piped up. Gerard looked at me coldly. 


"What've I done now?" 

"You know what you've done." No, I didn't? 

"No, I really don't." The blood from my lip was starting to drip down my face, I wiped it away with my sleeve and sucked on my lip to try and get it to stop. 

"Don't be clueless." And with that Gerard left the shop, Rebecca in tow. 


In the time while me and Rebecca were sharing the comic, everything about last nights events came back. The confrontation with Lily, what I'd told her. And yet she decided to brake my heart even more after telling me 'no' by going out with Alex? Well that pissed me off. But I think I might have a crush on Rebecca, she's lovely, she's really funny, excitable and stunning. Yeah, Lily may have been those things to, but I needed to get over her and Rebecca was awesome. I smiled like an idiot walking home Rebecca. 

A.N- Rebecca I'm sorry if you didn't like it:/ But it's the best I can do at the moment:) It's getting so dramatic, I'm like walking around town and stuff thinking about random little scenes and stuff:D Sorry about any spelling or punctuation mistakes, I'm really tired and can't be bothered proof reading:P 

Much Love, Killer Revenge. 

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