Chapter Three.

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It had been about a month since the confrontation with the jock. Lily got more and more fascinating every day.

“Gerard... Hello, Earth to Gerard? Wakey, Wakey, sunshine!” Lily was clapping her hands in front of my face, eyebrows raised.

“Oh... Hey,” I stood up out of my chair and faced Mikey who was looking at me, brows furrowed. Lily giggled and jogged up the stairs, we were in my room, and I looked at the alarm. 11 am. Oh, I told Lily to be here at 10.

“Dude...” Mikey started, “You talk in your sleep.”

“Shit... What did I say?”

Mikey found this all hilarious. Urgh. “Well, you said that you loved someone. You, erm, said she was beautiful and you needed to tell her.”

“Did I say who?” Wow. My dreams are really awkward; I never remember them when I wake up though.

“Nope,” He popped the ‘p’ in that irritating way people do.

“Did Lily hear?” Mikey raised his eyebrows and nodded.

“Yup,” I sighed and walked up the stairs and in to the living room. Lily was sitting on the kitchen counters making coffee for us all.


“Gee?” I was going to tell her I liked her. No. Wait. What if she doesn’t like me back? Oh God.

“Oh... Err... Nothing, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

She hopped down from the counter. “You sure? You can tell me anything you know.” She finished making the coffees and passed me one.

“I know, thanks,” I lifter the cup up in thanks. She nodded.

“MIKEY!” She screamed. Our parents were on a trip to L.A for a week and we decided to stay together. Lily’s little brother Blake went to stay at his Dad’s in Seattle. “COFFEES READY!”

Mikey stormed down the stairs in search of his coffee.

There was a knock at the door. Lily went over to open it, Frankie jumped on top of her in a huge hug as soon as he opened the door.

“Hey there, Frankie, could you get off me now?” Lily giggled as Frankie jumped off her.

Ray sat down next to me, “You okay dude?” I nodded. Ray nudged me, indicating for me to look up. “No, you’re not; I think we need to talk?” I nodded.

“Let me just get my jeans and hoodie on and we can head down to the comic store.” I ran down the stairs and got changed, stumbling and nearly faceplanting my wardrobe.

I ran up the stairs and out the door, Ray was waiting in his car.

“Let’s go,” Ray nodded.


 Gee ran out the door without even a word to me. He liked someone. I heard him say it in his sleep. Who? I don’t know. I want to know and I’ll get it out of him. Hopefully.

Ran up the stairs in to the spare bedroom. I pulled out my phone and dialled Leila’s number.

She answered on the third ring.


“Lil? And why haven’t I heard from you sooner missy?” I gave an uncertain laugh, I didn’t know how to answer that question myself to be quite honest with you.

“You okay, Lil? You sound kind of down,” That’s why I love Leila, whenever I was down, she would notice.

“I... Kind of like someone but he was dreaming and he was talking about someone, I don’t know what to do!” It was the first time I admitted I like him to anyone.

“Aw, I don’t care how long it takes me to get to you in my car I’m coming to New Jersey. Gimme your address. Now.”

I gave her my address and hung up. I’m going to see my best friend after a month of missing her.

Two minutes later I got a text.

Leila- By the way. I’m bringing Alex and Connor, ox.

Me- Yay, I’ve missed you all like hell!

I ran down stairs to tell Mikey the news.


 I walked in to the comic store with Ray.

“So, tell me what’s got you down?”


“Oh. Why?”

“I like her. But I don’t think she’ll like me back.”

“You need to talk to her,” Ray was in a wise mood today. “You won’t know how she feels until you ask her,”

“Fine,” I thought it through, what do I have to lose? “I will.”

A/N- Kind of getting a plan for this story now.  Anyone mind me giving Alex the second name of Gaskarth? :D Sorry it took so long for me to update, I had writer’s blockL I might upload again today if you like it. Sorry if it’s rubbish!

It’s just important that you keep yourself alive and you just stay fighting. ~+~ Gerard Way.

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