Chapter Four

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I slept in my own house, I was alone.

My phone vibrated, I rolled over in my bed to grab it.

I had two messages. Wow, popular tonight it seems. I squinted at the light of the screen and opened the first message.

AlexG- Dude, I have so much to tell you in the morning. Love ya;) xo. –A

Alex and I had always been close; we’d met in the first grade. Aw. We were cute.

Me- Oh Alex, I do miss you and your pink fringe, love you too. Xo. –L

I opened the second text. It was from Gee. I smiled a little.

Gee- Lily... We need to talk.

My smile dropped a little bit.

Me- Okay, you okay though?

Gee- Yeah, open your window.

I ran over to it and yanked it open.

“Lily?” I looked down at Gee standing under the tree looking up at me.

Gerard’s P.O.V.

I didn’t even know why I was there.

“I needed to get away from the house.” That excuse will do.

“Come up then.”

She opened the window wider; I stumbled in to her room, kind of nearly falling on my face. Embarrassing much?

Her room was covered in Green Day, Falling in Reverse, the Misfits and The Used posters.


I snapped my head up, “Yeah?”

“Thinking about that girl you talk about in your sleep?”

Oh. “No.” I snapped at her, I sounded more vicious then I meant it to sound.

She sighed. We sat in silence for about half an hour. I could see her falling asleep slowly.

“Lily?” I whispered, crawling up the bed and sitting next to her.


“Go to sleep,” she hugged me; she fell asleep in my arms.

I looked at her as she slept, that may sound stalkerish but it’s not. She was perfect.


My eyes fluttered open, I giggled. Gee’s hair was all over the place. His arms were around my waist.

My bedroom door burst open, it hit the wall and Alex walked in. Gee had flung about six feet in the air and landed on the floor.

“Well, well, well,” Alex was doing an impression of my Mom. He put his hands on his hips and raised his eyebrows. “What do we have here then?”

I burst out laughing. Alex pointed his finger at me and tried to make a serious face. He failed.

Gerard had managed to get off the floor by now. I dived on top of Alex pulling him in to a hug.

“Alex!” I put my legs around his waist as he spun me around.

“Lily!” I looked over his shoulder as Connor ran in to the room.

“Lily!” He squealed, pulling me out of Alex’s arms and in to his own.

“Con Con!” I had nicknamed him that when we were about 7.

He put me back on the floor and looked at me.

“You actually haven’t changed a bit!”

“What did you expect? At least I haven’t got a pink fringe,” I nodded my head towards Alex. He laughed.

I heard Gerard clear his throat.

“Oh right,” I walked over to Gerard, “Guys, this Gerard. Gerard these are the guys, Alex and Connor. They’re my best friends from Seattle.”

“Hey,” Gerard said. Alex and Connor jumped on him in a big hug. I giggled.

“Oh... Alex, how the hell did you get in my house?”

“Oh, Lil, don’t be silly, everyone knows you keep the key under that gnome by the door,” Alex winked at me and sat on my bed.

“I’m going to go find Leila, she saw some boy from next door and decided he had nice eyebrows. Don’t ask.”

I giggled. Oh Leila. Wait... What boy? Mikey? Frank?

“Connor, did he have glasses?” Gerard asked curiously.


I giggled, so did Gee.

“Why?” Connor raised one eyebrow and looked at us.

“That’s my baby brother.”

 I ran out the door, down the stairs and out the front door. I spotted Leila and Mikey in deep conversation. I ran as fast as I could across the gardens and jumped on top of Leila. She screamed and looked at me.

“LILY!” She tackled me, giving me a hug.

“Hey, bro!” Mikey was looking at us laughing. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the floor with us. He blushed and quickly jumped up.

“Lil, have you seen Gerard?”

“Err... Yeah, he came around last night; he fell asleep on my bed.”

 “Right...” Mikey looked at me. Oh no. That must have sounded really weird. Mikey’s lips pulled in to an awkward smile.

 “Oooh, Lily what did you do?” Lily nudged me.

“Nothing Lei, your mind is way too dirty, you need it checked out.”

I sighed, Alex ran out of the house, a potato in hand.

“Guys! Look. It looks funny.”

“Al... Are you high?” I giggled as he picked me up and put me on his back.


Gerard walked out and stood next to Mikey.

“Hey Mikes,” Gerard nodded back towards their house. Mikes nodded and they walked back to their house without even a wave or a bye. Lovely.

“You okay Lily?” Connor asked me looking at me from the corner of his eye.

“Yeah... I’m fine.” I could lie easily to Connor but Alex and Leila both knew there was something wrong.

A.N Hey guys, this is kind of a fail. I’m sorry; it took me an hour or two... Sorry it fails guys:L   

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