Chapter:6 Revenge

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I Woke up knowing that Frisk and Chara is fighting about pancakes and Chocolates for breakfast.I shrug this is normal for me but for Asriel? I hope not. I walk to him and said.

Me:"Hey Az wassup?".you said with a yawn.

Arsriel:"Those *points at Frisk and Chara* Two doesn't know how to stop arguing about their breakfast".

You sigh and pat Asriel's head.I walk to then and said with my eye blazing blue.

Me:"Bud's stop this none sense or you two are gonna have a bad time!".you said in a scary voice.

Frisk:"B-Brother o-ok I'll stop".she said  while shaking.

Chara:"F-fine but I want Chocolate for breakfast".she said

Me:"Ok I'll make you two I'll make a Choco coated pancakes. Are we clear?".

Chara:"Yes bro".

Frisk:"Yes Bro".

You chuckle and teleport to the kitchen to make pancakes and you open the fridge and grab the choco syrup.After there done eating I went to Professor goodwitche's class.I sat down knowing that Asriel sat behind me and Ruby sat beside me.She said.

Ruby:"Hey Bro".She said while smiling.

Me:"Hey little thorns".you smiled back.

Ruby:"Wheres the two?".she ask.

Me:"ohh there gonna be here in a minute, So how's Yang?".

Ruby:"ummm she's depressed since you came back she didn't want to talk with anybody".she said in a worrying tone.

Me:*sigh*"Ok I'll talk to her later but now let's whose gonna fight today".

Ruby nods and Frisk and Chara burst through the door and ran near me and they sat beside me.Frisk said.

Frisk:"Bro ummm Chara finished all the Choco syrup in the fridge".

Chara:"Hehehe".she laugh

Me:*sigh*"I'll buy later just listen to professor Goodwitch ok?".

Chara and Frisk:"OK bro".

After were done talking Goodwitch said.

Goodwitch:"Could (Y/N) W.D get down here someone wants to fight you".

You shrug and teleported down I ask."Professor who is my sparing partner?". "Its team STRQ".she reply.

Me:"Ohh no".you said in a worried tone.

Goodwitch:"Sorry Mr.W.D they wanted to fight you".

Me:*sigh*"ok but I need my two sisters here".

Goodwitch:"Ok (Y/N). "W.D's could you come down here and join your brother".

Chara and Frisk came down and you prepare you battle stance which is Putting your hand in your hoodie,and you close your eyes and smile. Chara and Frisk prepare there Stance both of them have the same stance with same weapon.Knife. team STRQ burst to the door and said.

Summer:"Baby please come back to us".

Tai:"Son please".

Raven:"Please (Y/N) we want you back".

Qrow:"Please kid".

You just smile while your two sisters is staring at you and ask.

Frisk:"Bro don't hurt them much ok?.we don't wanna go in your Blazing yellow eyes".

Chara:"Yeah bro. Relax and deflect there aura and we'll win".


STRQ walk to the arena and prepare there stances.They looked at me and stare they ask "why am I smiling" said a confused Tai.

Me:"Welp let's get to the point.......".


Chara:"Frisk don't answer the question OK".

Frisk:*Nods*"Yep I know Brother wants this match let's just stand in his side and watch.We help if we are needed".she said in reply.Chara nods

Me:"So I got a question for the Four of you. Did you think even if the worst person can change.That everyone can be a good person if they just try?".I said in a Calm voice.


Me:"Welp its a beautiful day outside,Birds are singing,Flowers are blooming,On days like these persons like you.....SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL".

STRQ ran and charge at (Y/N).Without opening his eyes he dodges every attack team STRQ gave to him he just smile.When he open his eyes it bursts in Blue blazing flame he summoned bones to hit Tai.And it successfully hit him in the arm he's stun and (Y/N) summoned Gaster blasters that Shot Raven.Raven got her Aura depleted.Raven was out.Qrow Charges At (Y/N) but he dodges it really quick.He summoned A wave of blue Bones.That Qrow Dodges but it went through him when he was still he stop.And (Y/N) is in the same spot and summon Gaster blasters at Qrow that that hit him and his Aura has been depleted. Tai ask.

Tai:"Tai son please stop".he said in a worried voice.

Me:"Look whose begging after all you did to me.Nope.Chara,Frisk go get Summer".he said

Chara and Frisk nodded they ran away from there brother.Chara sees Summer shots Chara.But chara uses Her Knife to deflect the bullets she Slice And it Went to the middle in the Aura bar She grab summer to (Y/N) with a smile.

Me:"See ya Tai".Hits with Gaster blasters

Tai was out and only Summer was left.

Summer:"please Forgive me Son please".

Me:"Hmm lemme think.i got a why did Yang Abused me as well huh?".

Summer:"Tai forced her and I was Forced by Tai to he made us Abuse you I was abused before you I don't like what happen to you but I was afraid of Tai.Please Dont Hate me. I just want my baby back".

My tears roll through my cheek and hugged her.And she hugged me back but I whisper to her ear."Sorry mom". I impale her with Three long Bones that can't kill her it was made to deflect aura I cried in her Shoulder and Smile I know she's not gonna die I stand up.The professor Brought the Rescue team and announced."Team UNDR is the victor of the match".I sigh and teleported to my sit and saw Asriel sleeping Frisk and Chara went back to the dorm and sleep I carried Asriel to His bed and put him down so that he can sleep peacefully. I teleported outside team RWBY's dorm I knock.It was opened by Ruby.

Ruby:"B-Brothe-".she was stopped with a finger in her lips and I ask.

Me:"Is yang there?. I wanna talk to her alone".I ask

Ruby nods and went out with Weiss,Blake I walk to yang and saw her Crying I sat down beside her without her noticing.

Me:"Hey firefly did you miss me?".I said in a calm voice.

Yang:"Sans? Umm hey im fine really...".she let's out a sigh

Me:"Please Call me (Y/N) you earned it".

Yang:"R-Really does that mean I'm forgiven?".

Me:"You don't want me to forgive you OK then".You said in a jokingly voice.

Yang:"Brother.I miss you so much!!!".she hugs you tightly.

Me:"Miss you to Yang. I miss you to".

Yang:"I'm sorry about everything Brother".

Me:"Don't be you are forced by Tai. So I probably get going Ruby and the others may be worried now".

Yang grabs the tip of your jacket and said. "Please stay".

Me:"I will Yang. But umm where do I sleep now".yang Chuckle

Yang:"With me and Ruby. We missed you so much bro sleep with us tonight please".

You sigh and nod.I walk to the door and said You three can come in now.They didn't hesitate to come in.They notice that I didn't went out I lay down at Yang's bed and Yang signaled Ruby to join Which Ruby who didn't hesitate I close my eyes and I feel a two hands on my chest its Yang and Ruby they said.

"Good night brother we love you".

Lost Soul (neglected,abused,male reader) X RWBY(Velvet)Where stories live. Discover now