Chapter Four

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He was dead. I get up and run to Sam. She is at her motorcycle but she is not starting it and I don't know why.

"The tire are slashed," she says once I reached her.

"Damn," I say. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," she says.

"Okay," I say. I see a small white Chevy across the street. "I'll hot wire that car over there and we'll get out of here."

"Okay, you go do that. I'll gather our stuff while you do that," she says. "I'll cover you."

"Alright," I say. "Would you happen to have a hanger?"

Sam smiles and says "Yeah Izzy told me you might need one." She grabs out a hanger from her bag and gives it to me.

I smile back and say "We'll be out of here in fifteen minutes."


Izzy's Point of View

Brandon brought Amy and I to a small abandoned house just outside of town and told us everything. Well he told me everything, as far as Amy knows the cops are after Bill and me, which is very believable. I couldn't sleep all night. Now I'm just laying here thinking how could this be happening? Bill being hunted? Yes, Bill pisses people off. He pisses people everyday, but killing him? What is he going to possibly do that people would want him dead? 

I hear foot steps all of a sudden and Brandon is up and moves toward the broken window. He takes out the pistol from his waist band and points it out the window.

"Izzy," he whispers, "there is a guy out there. Get Amy."

I go over and pick up Amy and carry her over to Brandon and she wakes up as I do. "Jeffrey what is going on?" she says rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing," I whisper, "you're having a dream, Amy."

"A dream?" she says. "Can I dream about whatever I want?"

"Yes, you can Amy," I whisper, "just close your eyes and be quiet and everything will appear."

"Okay," she whispers and closes her eyes and falls back asleep in my arms.

Brandon pulls out a silencer and attaches it to the gun and the gun goes off, without waking Amy. "Izzy, we got to go," Brandon whispers getting up. With Amy still in my arms asleep we run out of the building and go for the car I hot wired earlier. BANG! BANG! BANG! I heard right behind me. "Jeffrey what's happening?" she wakes up again.

"Nothing just close your eyes and go back to sleep," I say still running the car seemed like a mile away but we finally got there. I put Amy in the back seat and I hop into the driver's seat and start it. Brandon comes in still shooting out the window.

"GO! GO! GO!" Brandon shouts as I hit the gas speed away. 

"Yes! I got him!" Brandon says.

As my heart rate goes down and finally ask, "Brandon where to?"

"Head east I know a place in Indianapolis."


William's point of view

It's maybe seven o' clock now. I have been driving for a couple hours. I think we are almost to St. Paul. I look over at Sam who slumped her head on the window asleep. She promised me she wouldn't fall asleep but she did anyway. I smile at her.

Suddenly there was a beep. The gas was low but luckily there was a gas station just a mile away. I pull into the gas station just as I do Sam wakes up.

"Oh shit," she says hits her palm on her face.

"It's okay," I smile. "Do you wanna fill up while I pay for it?"

"Okay," she says. "Do have your gun with you?"

"Yes," I say.

"Okay," she says.

"I'll be right back," I say. I walk into the gas station and go up to the counter. There was a woman with blonde hair about in her mid twenties at the counter looking me up and down. I ignore her and grab my wallet from my pocket. I have enough for the gas and a pack of cigarettes.

"Can I help you?" she asks putting her hands on her hips.

"I need to pay for a full tank of gas and a pack of Marlboro," I say.

"Aren't you a little young to smoke?" she asks putting her hands on her hips.

"No, and I don't think it's any of your God damn business anyway," I snap.

"Fine, whatever," she says grabbing a pack of cigarettes and putting them on the counter. I hand her the money.

"Is that your girlfriend outside?" she asks completely catching me off guard.

"What? No," I say. "We are just friends."

"Okay," she says sarcastically. "Whatever you say."

I grab the pack of cigarettes and walk out. I look to see Sam putting the nozzle back onto the pump and just in the next second I see a guy about fifteen feet away to the left with a gun pointed at Sam. I pull out my gun from waist band. Then a gun shot rang. Sam screams and falls to the ground.

"SAM!!" I yelled. Before the gun could even look over at me, I quickly shot the man right in between the eyes. I run to Sam. "Sam! Sam!" I come to her side. She is still alive clenching her right side. She is losing a lot of blood fast. "Sam can you hear me?"

"Bill," she says softly.

"Don't worry, Sam we are going to get you to the hospital," I say as I pick her and place her the passenger seat. I run to the other side, get in, and start the car. I pull out from the gas station and speed down the highway disregarding everything in my way. I went faster and faster as Sam was fading more and more to black.

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