Chapter Five

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"I need help this woman has been shot!" I run into the hospital with Sam in my arms with her hands around my neck.

A lady at the counter yells into the intercom "We need assistance in the lobby! A woman has been shot and is losing blood fast!"

"Bill you need to leave," she says quietly. "They will be here any minute." 

"I'm not leaving without you," I say. "I'm going to stay until you are okay." 

"Bill it's not safe here," she says. "I'll be fine, but if you stay here you won't be. You are what matters not me,".

"You matter to me," Seconds later the gurney is wheeled out and Sam is taken out of my arms and before she is she says "Please don't stay Bill." She is put on the gurney and wheeled out of the room.

"Are you the only one here with her?" The man in the paramedic uniform asks.

"Yes," I say.

"Okay we will let you know about her condition as soon as possible," he says. "What's your name?"

"Will Lou," I say knowing I probably shouldn't use my real name. 

"Okay we will keep you updated," he says. "You can have seat over there."

"She is going to be okay, right?" I say.

He sighs and pauses for a second. "I really don't know. The bullet could have hit a bone, a vein, or possibly internal organs or it could have just missed her. We are going to do the best we can, but I really don't know...I'm sure she will be fine." He pats me on the back and walks out of the room. I turn to the waiting room and when I do two cops are staring back at me.


Izzy's Point of View

"Jeffrey want to know the dream I had last night?" Amy asks as we sit in the hood of the car pulled over the side of the highway. Brandon is looking at a map for the place he plans to go further than Indianapolis than originally planed. 

"Sure," I say.

"I was at home when Bill was taken away from me. Then I started falling. I tripped over a cliff and was doomed but you saved me."

"Well it's good thing that it was just a dream otherwise I would let you fall rug-rat."

"Not-uh," she protests, "You would save me! Just like you saved me last night!"

"No, I didn't save you last night. I was saving myself and you just happen to be in the way."

"Whatever like you would let your best friend's sister die!"

"Yeah, you're right Bill would kill me."

"Yeah he would, Izzy!"

I stood up from the car and looked at her dramatically. "Amy did you just call me Izzy?"

"...No..." she says softy.

"Yeah you did! You called me Izzy!"




"Yeah-uh" I snap as I tickle her. "Yeah-uh! Yeah-uh! Yeah-uh!" She squeals in laughter and almost falls off the car.

I stop and just then a cop car pulls up behind us. A cop climbs out of the car and start walking up to the our car. 

Brandon quickly moves to the drivers side of the car. "Get on the other side and stay low, this could be a trap," Brandon says. Amy and I sit on the ground on the passenger side of the car and listen.

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