Some stuff for you people

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So this book of weird assness is getting a hella a lot of reads and votes... more than Undecided Mission.. should I be offended? 😂

Anywho, I was thinking of what I should do after I am done with both of my RKRK fanfics. Yes I know, it's a bit soon for thinking about that since it's gonna take me 1929937892910392991924873729101 years to finish both stories and have them out and finished at the same time (kms).

Like, I don't wanna bore y'all with more RK content after writing two MASSIVE stories of them so...

Maybe I could do some smaller fanfics with ships like, Simarkus, Markus x North, Ralph x..... Jerry? Idk, but you get what I mean.

How about some Q&As? With some Connor and others like Markus, Kara, Alice? Don't know.. it's up to y'all cause I really don't care as long as you guys are happy :)

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