Those Violet Nights (Part 2)

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Mild warning- bear in mind that ancient Greek myths contain incest. This story chapter deals with darker themes. Also remember, that most cultures nowadays do not allow, or frown upon underage drinking, marriage, etc. This culture does not. Read it in the context and time that it was intended.  

Those Violet Nights (Part 2)

"Ah! Here they are now..." Nyx extended her hands up in the air and gestured for her sons to hurry up.

Thanatos and Hypnos straightened their posture as a hoard of curious eyes shifted to them and stared without shame. Older women licked their lips and some young nymphs in the corner trotted up onto the platform, eager to have a closer look at the night's twins.

Thanatos stepped onto the stage first and the band dipped in their song. The young man watched his footing as a group of girls leaned in and waved at him to catch his eye. He grinned and winked, nearly causing a mass heart-attack. The girls blushed and giggled wildly; his charm was like a wildfire.

Hypnos followed close behind his brother, but didn't bother to look around. He kept his eyes straight ahead, directed at his mother, who was seated in her plush, silver throne. The same group of girls waved at him too, but he just smiled politely and nodded his head, half-shy to meet their eyes completely. His charm was more like a cool breeze, not as blistering, but definitely attractive.

"Come sit." Nyx pointed a finger at the empty seats beside her on the couch-like throne.

Thanatos resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his mother's blatant love for theatrics and instead just did as she ordered. He smiled charmingly and sat down next to her, careful not to wrinkle the long cape. Hypnos sat down on her other side and avoided his mother's inquisitive eyes. She leaned over him; "Wine, baby boy?"

"Thank you." Hypnos nodded. He knew he'd have to have some amount of alcohol in his system to be able to get through this night.

A servant bowed over him and held a tray out. Hypnos took the glass of red wine and eagerly took a sip. Thanatos grabbed a glass and drank deeply. The teens were nearly men, but for boys their age, drinking was a very common and normal occurrence. They were definitely old enough to do as they pleased- and being a prince didn't hurt. They could get away with just about anything. Even murder.

"Drink up." Clymene said as she strolled closer, her hips swaying.

The two, young boys found their eyes drifting down to admire the shape. They were at the end of their adolescent years now and surprisingly still virgins. Not that they didn't have the options or opportunities to rid themselves of that status, but one thing princes couldn't do- according to their mother- was lower themselves to women beneath their own high station.

Not that they listened to Nyx as much as she'd like to think they did. The twins had had many late-night (sometimes even early morning) rendezvous with various young servant girls in the gardens, the study, their bedroom... Frankly, wherever the princes wanted. None of them had resulted in more than fooling around- they knew Nyx wanted them to keep their chastity for something special.

Even that was to be used as some sort of leverage.

Before Clymene could sit down across from Nyx and her sons, Persa pushed her lightly aside and snatched the seat from her younger sister. "And where have you two been the whole night?" She asked, eyes alight with fire.

Thanatos and Hypnos wanted to cringe. Clymene was their mother's attractive, bubbly friend, but her sister wasn't as enticing. She was the gloomy, dark friend, who always had something nasty to say about everyone. Her beauty was dulled by her depressing attitude.

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