Crimson Pieces

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Title: Red, to fit with book 1

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Title: Red, to fit with book 1. 

Setting: These short chapters take place in book 1 of the Dawn series. 

Idea: I wanted to show Thanatos' thoughts throughout the series and how he grew behind the scenes. It was really fun to relive that side of him before he grew into the man we know today. 

Thanatos' POV- Morbid Maroon (6)

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Thanatos' POV- Morbid Maroon (6)

The sky was dark and ominous, but the moon lit up the night sky with an otherworldly brilliance

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The sky was dark and ominous, but the moon lit up the night sky with an otherworldly brilliance.

She was laying in front of a ratty old couch, on a sleeping bag, with her eyes partly closed. Aurora couldn't get her bustling mind to simmer down and relax. It was rather amusing- all of that loud reasoning and frustrated thoughts. A deep crease was now permanently cut across her forehead and I wondered why she was so prone to overthinking?

Was it me? Was it my undeniably ominous presence in the air or was she just an age-old worrywart, since day one? Hmm. It intrigued me and that was a rather sudden and unexpected sensation. A mortal woman was... interesting. Rather horrific, if you really think about it.

I leaned against the archway of the old manor and traced a finger over the wood. I examined it- dust as old as some of my whiskeys. How terribly unsanitary. Luckily, I was wearing my leather gloves. I rubbed the dirty finger against my pants leg and crossed my arms over my broad chest. My eyes latched onto the beautiful woman again- she was clearly internally distressed, and it was utterly amusing.

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