Vanilla Yellow Youth

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This chapter is dedicated to galaxianex
The winner of the second competition in the Old Family book. 

Title: Because it's Lara's favorite colour! (And it fits so well with this theme)

Setting: When all my babies were young and innocent(ish).

Idea: Lara wanted a chapter that was light and family-orientated. She wanted a chapter where we had a combination of young Aurora, Trita and Sonya, and then the young Old family bunch. This was such a fun experience for both of us, because we really had the same idea of what we wanted the girls to be like when they were children. Thanks, Lara! This is one of my faves...

The second place winner's chapter will be up next on my writing schedule.

Aurora couldn't help but often think which was worse? Being an only child, or being surrounded by brothers and sisters?

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Aurora couldn't help but often think which was worse? Being an only child, or being surrounded by brothers and sisters?

When she was much younger, a little girl and barely above her father's knee, she was often alone at home and in the care of her grandparents. Her father and mother worked tirelessly and endlessly to provide for their small, loving family.

Julio Venerelli had just started as one of the main associates at a local and international attorney branch, but his dream of owning his own practise was still fresh in his mind. Julio had studied hard for years at university and then worked even harder to reach the top of his firm before he'd even reached the age of thirty-five. His loving wife was undeniably supportive, but just as busy with her own career path.

Denise had laboured under her mother's own events company, but after her mother had retired and she'd handed the business over to her only daughter, Denise had tried everything to keep it afloat. The customers were fiercely loyal to her mother, and so it took ages to turn the tide to her side. It was a small town back in the day, and many locals were stuck in old ways. It was difficult for Denise to get through new ideas and branding; and even more difficult for her to not bring her work home with her.

And so their only daughter was left with little choice than to entertain herself. Aurora, however, didn't mind. Denise and Julio felt immense sadness and guilt for having no time for their angel in the afternoons and only ever saw her in the evenings, when work was done and their minds could rest. She was a delight to come home to.

Although they weren't fortunate enough to have one of them be a stay-at-home parent or employee, the Venerelli's had made a silent pact to one another when Aurora was born- never would the house be empty and lonely.

Their little girl would always have a friend or two around to keep her company.

Trita and Sonya were never far away from the Venerelli house. The family mansion on the cliff was a bit smaller when they were younger, with a larger garden and a great backyard, which later, was converted into an infinity pool overlooking the ocean. When the girls were younger, the yard was the best place to be.

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