The Wedding Part 2

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     I looked at my soon to be Husband, he stared in awe at me

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I looked at my soon to be Husband, he stared in awe at me. I could tell that he thought I looked beautiful, I finally reached the alter, I handed Raptor my bouquet and I joined hands with Yusei.

     "Welcome, family, friends and loved ones," Ruby started, "We are gathered here today to celebrate a bond like no other. The fabric of time and space could not keep these two separated, many times have they proven they love their partner more than their own lives, and now today, they shall be bonded by each other's side for eternity. Thanks to everyone who have come here from nearby and from far away to share in this commitment now they make to one another, to offer your love and support to their union, and to allow Yusei and Jaden to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them."

      I look into Yusei's eye, seeing them full of pride, love, and caringness. I could hear tears coming from the audience.

     "Yusei and Jaden thank you for your presence here today. They ask for your blessing, encouragement, and lifelong support, for their decision to be married," Ruby continues, "They also remember
other loved ones who cannot be here to share this moment with them today. Those people too, they hold dear in their hearts."

    I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I knew my parents would be watching from above. I felt Yusei wipe away the tear, looking at me with a thoughtly and loving look.

      "Yusei and Jaden's, marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, who trust that love, who honor one another as individuals in that togetherness, and who wish to spend
the rest of their lives together. It enables the two separate souls to share their desires, longings, dreams, and memories, their joys and sorrows, and to help each other through all uncertainties of life." Ruby looks at me and Yusei and then continues, "A strong marriage also nurtures each of you as separate individuals and allows you to maintain your unique identity and grow in your own way through the years ahead. It is a safe haven for each of you to become your best self while together you become
better than ever could be alone."

Ruby looks at both of us and continues, getting closer to our vows,"Yusei and Jaden, look at one another now and remember this moment in time."Ruby then said,"Yusei, please take Jaden's hand and repeat after me."

      I felt Yusei grab my hand, holding it gently in his, he repeated every word after Ruby,"Jaden , I take you as you are." "Jaden, I take you as you are." "Loving who you are now and who you are yet to become." "Loving who you are now and who you are yet to become." " I promise from this day forward." "I promise from this day forward." "To be grateful for our love and our life." "To be grateful for our love and our life." "To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection." "To be generous with my time, my energy, and my affection." "To be patient with you and with myself." "To be patient with you and with myself." By this time I could here Raptor sniff, trying to hold back her tears. "To fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter." "To full our life with adventure and our home with laughter." "To encourage you to grow as an individual, and inspire you to do so." "To encourage you to grow as an individual, and inspire you to do so." "To love you completely." "To love you completely." "These things I pledge before you, our friends and our family." "These things I pledge before our family."

Ruby then looked to me,"Jaden please take Pats's hand and repeat after me."

Yusei perspective...

     I felt Jaden grab my hand, similar to the way I did to him. he repeated every word after Ruby,"Yusei, I take you as you are." "Yusei, I take you as you are." "Loving who you are now and who you are yet to become." "Loving who you are now and who you are yet to become." " I promise from this day forward." "I promise from this day forward." "To be grateful for our love and our life." "To be grateful for our love and our life." "To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection." "To be generous with my time, my energy, and my affection." "To be patient with you and with myself." "To be patient with you and with myself." "To fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter." "To full our life with adventure and our home with laughter." "To encourage you to grow as an individual, and inspire you to do so." "To encourage you to grow as an individual, and inspire you to do so." "To love you completely." "To love you completely." "These things I pledge before you, our friends and our family." "These things I pledge before our family."

     "Jaden and Yusei have a few things to say to each other before they make this official. Yusei, would you please start." "Jaden," I looked him right in the eyes, "You have been the brightest light in my life since I met you, and I will protect you no matter what. I will be there with you, not matter what happens in our crazy lives." I heard slight chuckles from the audience.

Jaden's Perspective...

     I couldn't help crying at this point, I looked Yusei right in the eyes and said ,"Yusei you have been by my side through thick and thin, through bad and good, through craziness and calm. I would do anything for you, as long as you stay happy."

       Ruby then continued," Yusei do you take Jaden to be your husband?" I said what I have been waiting so long to say,"I do."
Ruby then turned to Jaden,"do you take Pat to be your husband?" I heard Jaden say, "I-I do!"

    Ruby looks at Yami and says, "Please present the rings." As Yami untied the rings from the pillow Leo was holding, Ruby continued, "Your wedding ring is a symbol of your promise to one another. The ring, an unbroken, never ending circle, is a symbol of committed, unending love.

     "Yusei, as you place this ring on Jaden's finger, repeat these words after me," I repeated every word after Ruby. "This ring symbolizes my love for you."
"This ring symbolizes my love for you." "And the commitments we made today" "And the Commitments we made today."

     "Jaden, as you place this ring on Yusei's finger, repeat these words after me," Jaden looked me straight in the eyes, his gaze full of love and excitement. "This ring symbolizes my love for you." This ring symbolizes my love for you." "And the commitments we made today." "And the commitments we made today."

     "Yusei and Jaden, you have come here today of your own free will and in the presence of family and friends, have declared your love and commitment to each other. You have given and received a ring as a symbol of your promises. By the power of your love and commitment to each other, and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you both, Mr. and Mr.Fudo. You may now share your first kiss as a married Couple," As Ruby finishes, I pull Jaden closes to me. Sharing our first kiss, as a married couple.

1270 words is how long this is, I will be doing the next part in a bit. Need to take a short break. Thanks for Reading!

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