He touched me

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Jugheads prov: I sat at a window seat, the rainy clouds seemed across the south side, I was glad I did not have a sweet pea on it, the lesson came because I'd go to beat him after how he behave. The lesson was about to begin when the door flew up, through the door the blonde came in with an iterated impression on the face. "Miss Elisabeth fun that you could join us, you can sit next to Mr. Jonse down there ... and one thing to miss welcome to hell." Mr. Philips told her when she moved to me and sat down With a smile she turned to Mr. Philips and said "I'm already living in hell it does not get so much worse". Yes, Elisabeth was called the mysterious blonde.
I raised a hand and laid it on her thighs and looked at her face to see how she reacted. She looked at me with big eyes and obvious mouth. My hand climbed slowly on her thighs, under the dress against her lace panties. My fingers slammed beside her panties she was wet, really wet. I made circles over her dandruff she was wearing her lower lip. I lowered her ears down and whispered, "keep calm down." She nodded slowly and then called it out. She got up quickly and left her way.

Betty's prov:
His hand climbs on my thigh and up under the skirt, I feel his hand pulling away my panties to reach my center. He fingers play over my swollen dune, I get wet and wet. He leans forward to me and whispers now I did not hear what he said I was up in fat work his hands I made the nod to answer. Finally, it rings out and I get away quickly from him.

He touched me in a way nobody else, he looks at me anurlunda than others.

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