In the name of love

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Betty's prov:
I felt a strong arm around my waist and a hand about my mouth that prevented my scream so they caught my neck. I was pulled into a dark crowded room, I only saw the darkness until a face appeared in front of me, he was Jughead Jonse. I felt the anger grow in me all my thoughts bubbled out of me like words till I felt hand lips pressed hard against me and I went into the door with power. I felt so frustrated I did not show vague I would get along so I saw him across the face. He turned back against me pushing his hands against my song roughly. He began to talk to me and to tease him and I answered him that I was not afraid of him. He lived that he would not hurt me but how far would they hold the promise. Suddenly his hand was inside my panties and his fingers walked into me. It was a feeling I never felt before. It must be clear that no one had ever touched me that way before he started asking me. Someone touched me like he has touched me. I could not get a word of pleasure he saw me so I just nodded. He fingered me until I felt the orgasm going through my body. As beautiful as it was. It was amazing. I wanted more I took my hand against his bump but he stopped me saying I would not start reaching I could not finish.

I walked out of the closet it was a while while he was ... he was wonderful ... or rather amazing everything had been amazing. But yet how dare he be to die to me! But I'll just keep my head high and behave like nothing has happened.

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