Chapter 5

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Robyn’s POV

*Ring, Ring*

I am instantly woken up by the incessant shrill of the telephone in my hotel room. Blindly I reach over to the night stand and pick up the phone.“Hello,” I breathe out. God my head is killing me.

“Ms. Fenty this is your 9:00 wake up call.”

“Ugh, Thank You.” I mumbled as I attempt and fail to hang up the phone without looking. I sit up in the bed and put the phone back on the hook. I flop back into the bed, deciding I would sleep for a few more minutes, when memories from last night flood my brain.

I shoot up into a sitting position and grab my pounding head. What. The. Fuck. Did I do last night. I groan as I get off the bed and head to the bathroom. As soon as I turn on the light, my headache intensifies and I swear to never drink again. I stumble to the sink and splash water on my face. The bathroom is spinning. Why is it spinning? I grab the counter to balance myself and look into the mirror.

No face tattoos or new piercings, thank God. I am dressed only in a t-shirt and panties but I don’t remember taking off my clothes or even getting back to the hotel. The last thing I can really remember is taking shots with Ryan, as the plane took off… A PLANE! I was on a fucking plane last night. “Ugh,” I groan as I start to strip my clothes off. Hoping a shower will help me clear my mind.

When I exit the shower, I brush my teeth then head back to the bedroom to get dressed. When I approach my suitcase to get clothes I see a note laying on top.

Hey Mystery.

I thought I liked you tipsy, but drunk you is definitely my favorite.

Call me when you wake up.



P.s. I can still taste your lips. 

“Fuck,” I whisper as I let the note fall from my hands. I am fucked. I decide to ignore the note for now and finish getting dressed. Today is wedding day and there doesn’t need to be any drama. I put on a simple cream sweater and black leggings. My eyes are still sensitive and as a last thought I grab some sunglasses then head to Jens room. Just as I raise my fist to knock, she pulls open the door and drags me into the room.

“How did last night go,” wow she is wasting no time.

“Well hello and good morning to you too bitch,” Her voice is too loud and my hangover is not even close to being gone. I go sit and her bed and bring my hands to my forehead massaging my temples.

“Somebody is sassy. Wait, are you hungover?” She grabs the sunglasses off of my face and looks into my eyes. I look away guilty. “Damn Robyn, I was really counting on you last night. What the fuck happened?” She’s beyond pissed and close to yelling.

“I would tell you if I knew.” I reply and yawn. I wonder what time we got back, I’m exhausted.

“You got drunk with them Robyn, whats wrong with you! If you fucked up anything I swear..”

“You swear what, Jen?” I ask her as I get off the bed and walk up to her face.”You have been treating me more like an employee than a friend. I am a designer. I have my own store. I designed Shay’s wedding dress. I am not your assistant. I’m a grown woman who came here as a favor to you my friend, not to be ordered around and made a babysitter. I already have a baby and I am pretty fucking sure she’s not in OVO. They had their body guards and assistants to take of them, so don’t yell at me Jennifer”. When I’m finished talking I see that Jen has tears in her eyes. Fuck.

“I’m sorry I have just been really stressed out by this week. It’s my first real celebrity wedding and I am scared to fail.” I grab her into a big hug. “Boo you are wonderful and have planned the best weddings I have ever seen. Nothing will go wrong. If they do who cares, everyone will just be looking at my dress anyway.” She laughs and hugs me back. When we separate she wipes the tears from her eyes and thanks me.

“No problem baby, but I’m gonna go try to sleep off the rest of my hangover. I want to be fully alert for this wedding.” I walk out her room, and head for the comfort of my bed.



Robyn POV

The wedding was a blur. Literally. I could barely see through the tears in my eyes. The ceremony was beautiful, and Shay looked like an angel walking down the aisle in her gown. Ryan teared up as soon as he looked at her. They both read their own vows, and every female (and some men) cried at least a little. By just looking at Ryan and Shay together I could see how much they loved each other.

Of course during the ceremony my eyes shifted slightly right of Ryan and onto Drake. He was dressed in the same suit as the other grooms men, but he wore his clothes with extra confidence. He looked good. I could not help but look at his lips, and think about how they felt on mine.

“Robyn, what did you think?” Jen ask me as we walk to the reception. “It was fantastic, just like I told you it would be”. “Ugh, I can’t believe you are leaving me tonight. Are you sure you can’t stay until tomorrow?” She asks me with a pout. “Ha, no! I miss my baby. It’s time for me to go”, I didn’t tell her I also needed to leave before I could see Drake again and develop more feelings. Just as that thought crosses my mind I see Drake at the entrance of the ballroom.

“Hey Jen, great wedding. Mind if I talk to Robyn alone for a moment?” She gave me a weird look but says no problem and walks away.


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