Chapter 6

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“Why the hell didn’t you call me” Drake says angrily.

“Excuse me” I look at him, totally confused about where his anger came from. I don’t understand why it’s a big deal.

“Why didn’t you call me, I waited all fucking morning for you”. Drake stays stepping closer to me.

“ You’re seriously this mad I didn’t call you.” I question him.  

“That must be a rhetorical question because I think it’s obvious”. Okay this nigga mad.

“ I was going to, but there was so much going on”  I tell him, hoping he would buy it.

“You could’ve found time”. At this point of I was tired of his attitude. He is acting like we are in a relationship.

“ I didn’t want to find time”. I snap at him. I see all the angry drain from his face, and worry replace it.

“But, last night  I thought….” Drake starts but I cut him off.

“ I can’t even fucking remember last night. That’s not how I am normally. It’s not how I normally act.” I tell him, trying to make him understand.

“I want to get to know you.” he says sadly

“No you don’t Drake. We are moving way too fast.  We’re in two different worlds. I don’t know about your lifestyle but I know its way different than mine. Honestly, what do you want from me? I’m not like these groupies, I’m not a toy for your disposal. I’m not going to fuck you because you’re famous. That’s not me.”

“Damn it. Don’t you think I know that!” He yells, stepping even closer to me. He is standing so close that I have to tilt my head up to look into his eyes. Before I know what’s happening he’s kissing me and I am kissing back. Why does this man have this control over me? I grab onto his tie and pull his mouth closer to mine while his hands grab my neck. I moan into the kiss, and a second later he pulls away resting his head on my forehead.

“Last night was real. That kiss was real. My feelings for you are real. I know I don’t know you, but I want to. You’re not like them other girls Robyn you’re better, let me show you that. I’m not saying i want to be your boyfriend but I want to experience you too.” All I could do was stare at him. Our lives are too different, and I have my daughter to think about. But i haven’t felt a connection like this to anyone before.

“Drake, you’re right. I..” But before I could finish he cut me off.

“I know, Mystery. Just stay here for a second please.. I have to give my best man speech we can talk when it’s over. Okay?” He looks so hopeful, that all I can do agree.

“Okay.” I whisper to him. He gave me a short kiss on the lips, then headed inside to give his speech.

 Drake’s POV

I walked in as Ryan was finishing his speech.

“Well Ryan, I hope you made the most of your speech… now you’re a married man that’ll be the last time you get to speak for 3 minutes without being interrupted!”

“Good afternoon. For those of you that don’t know me, my name’s Drake, and I’ve had the privilege of being Ryan’s cousin and best man. I hope you’ve all enjoyed the day so for, and I think you’ll all agree… Shay looked absolutely stunning!” They applause.

“Ryan you look okay”

“Here I am, and I think you’ll agree that my first job, of getting this man here on time and sober, was a complete success! Now it’s time for my second job, the speech, and this is the bit I’ve  been really nervous about.”

“Well, what can I tell you about the groom? I’ve known Ryan for my life. He’s  

Handsome, Intelligent, Witty, Charismatic. He just the best cousin and friend that anybody can ask for. I glad to say that OVO is expanding and we welcome Shay as our new member.”

“Now, as a man that will drink to absolutely anything, it gives me immense pleasure to invite you all to be upstanding, raise your glasses and join me in a toast to Shay and Ryan, because I think they were made for each other.”

“May your love be modern enough to survive the times, but old fashioned enough to last forever.I’m sure you’re going to be happy together, and I speak for everybody here when I say I wish you both the very best for your future life together.”

“Ladies and Gentlemen, the new Mr and Mrs Silverstein Ryan and Shay!”

I hand the mic off to the next person and make my way to the bride and grooms table. I kiss Shay cheek and hug Ryan and I immediately start searching for Robyn. I go to the area where we had our previous conversation. but she wasn’t there. I start to panic, I see Jen across from me.

“do you know where Robyn is?” I ask Jen.

“Yea, she left. She went back home.” My heart sink to the bottom of my chest. I never got her number. “Jen can you give me her number” I asked her hopefully.

“ Sorry Drake but I really don’t feel comfortable doing that.”

“I understand”


 Robyn’s POV 

When I walk into my home I am immediately greeted my little Nala cub.

“Mommy!” She yells as she runs full speed towards me. I kneel down, and grab her as she runs straight into my arms.

“Nala, baby i’ve missed you so much. Did you miss mommy, pretty girl!?” I ask her while kissing her all over her face.

“Yes!” She giggled as I continued to shower her with kisses and tickle her sides.

“You’re gonna tell me all about your adventures with Auntie Mel, while we get ready for bed?’

“Duh, Mommy! Auntie painted my toeses look!” She yelled excitedly while wiggling her feet in my face. “Wow, those are pretty. I can paint your fingernails for you tonight while we watch  a movie. How does that sound?” I asked her while, walking toward the kitchen to find Mel.

“Yay! Can we watch Lion King again, pretty plwease mommy.” Its her favorite movie, probably because one of the main characters was named Nala too.

‘Of course Nala, go find the dvd while I talk to Mel. ‘

“Okay, Mommy”

It's Funny How Things Turn Out (Rihanna,Drake)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora