Chapter 7: A Christmas Bash

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do you get the punny chapter? no? okay well you will soon :)))

it's another 12am post, so you guys know i haven't been getting much sleep. also thanks maroon 5 for hyping me up while writing this chapter.

enjoy loves <3


Anne was very nervous. Not in a jittery way, it was more that sinking feeling in your stomach. Almost saying Uh-ohh.

Anyway, Anne was very, very nervous.

She tried to contain it, she really did. Diana saw right through it though.

"Anne, why are you acting all... well, strange. I haven't seen you like this since the first day of school." She said, taking her hand, as they walked through the hallway.

"I keep getting this feeling, that something is going to go wrong tonight. Like, Billy will come and make fun of me, or Josie would be a bitch again, or-"

"Anne, Ruby and I have got your back. I promise." Anne looked like she was going to interrupt, but Diana already knew what she was going to say. "Yes, I already said you could borrow my green long sleeve dress for the party. And yes I can do your makeup."

"Just a natural look, nothing special." Anne said, opening her locker.

"Nothing special for," She said this softer, "Gilbert?"

Anne stopped putting in her locker code, and turned towards Diana. She looked amused, but Anne was not. "No joking about that. Ruby likes him. I told you what happened at homecoming and at the graveyard, and in secret might I add, but that doesn't mean that I like him like that... or anything ."

"Okay Anne, sure." She said rolling her eyes. Suddenly, a white flutter came flying out Anne's locker. Diana picked it up. Looking at the front, she handed it to Anne. "It's for you?"

Anne frowned, taking the paper. In cursive, it read:

To Anne Shirley-Cuthbert

"It doesn't say who it's from!" Anne said. She shrugged, shoving it further back into her locker.

"You don't wanna see what it says?" Diana said, Anne's locker door shutting.

"No! For all I know, it could be hate mail from Billy and his dumb, five year old friends." They both turned down the hallway, talking about the party soon to be had.


Gilbert was nervous. It wasn't butterflies or a frog in his stomach. Just a mixing bowl of emotions.

He had never had a party at his house before. Before his father's death, he would have given anything to throw a party. But now? He was just doing it for fun. And, well...

We all know who for.

He wouldn't admit it to himself, but it was pretty damn obvious.

He had set out food and drinks on his dining room table. It was a BYOA party (bring your own alcohol), so he wasn't going to have any of his own alcohol. Bash said he wouldn't pay for it.

"You are crazy. Having a party with alcohol? Is that even allowed?" Bash said, as he was putting the AUX cord into his phone.

"Well, no, BUT, I'm not going to be having anything. Not after... well, something happened once." Gilbert winced.

"Well, I'll be in my room if you need anything." Bash said, grabbing a soda can. "Tell that Anne-girl I said hello!" Winking at a now blushing Gilbert, he turned and closed the door to his new bedroom.

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