Chapter 9: Rain Rain, Go Away

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i wrote a lot of this at 2:30am, but honestly, i was crying the whole time.

enjoy lovies ;)


Gilbert was very nervous. Today was March 1st, a normal Friday, right? He was going to go to class and go home and it would be the weekend. Whatever.

Except it wasn't whatever because it was the day before he and Anne were going to dinner.

He had said 'It's a date' but he didn't want to label it like that obviously. They weren't going to tell anyone about it either, because Anne was still, indeed, trying to figure out how to deal with all her drama. In other words, deal with Ruby.

Anne and Gilbert were talking during lunch on Wednesday, when Anne said something about how Ruby had gone on a date with Jerry from the party, and they were going on their third one now. Ruby wasn't into the first one I guess, but on their second date she realized he was really sweet. Anne said something along the lines of 'She likes him, she just won't admit it to herself'.

It reminded him of a time when he did the same thing with Anne.

And that's when the slam of his locker door forces him face to face with one flaming Diana Barry.

"I'm sorry, how am I just now finding out that you and Anne are going on a date? Huh? Ever think to ask me before you took my best friend out?" She was whisper yelling, her face red, and her eyes very wide and angry looking.

"Why would I have to ask you?" Gilbert said with a smirk.

"I don't know! That's just what guys do before they ask their girl out on a date." She said, flabbergasted.

"C'mon Diana, you know Anne isn't my girl." Yet, he thought.

"Oh really? What about the letters in her locker."

He froze. No one was supposed to know about that. Not even Anne.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said a little too late. Diana laughed.

"Ohhhh, you're trying to play it off aren't you?" She said pointing her perfect, tiny finger at him. He shrugged.

"I am trying to, I will admit, but you're kind of causing a scene." Gilbert said. Diana stopped to look around at the many students who were wide eyed, and looking at the small, enraged girl. She faced him again, taking his arm and pulling him into the girls bathroom.

"Pretty sure I'm not supposed to be in here." Gilbert said. Diana rolled her eyes.

"You are taking my bosom friend on a date, and it has to be perfect. You hear me Blythe?"

"Loud and clear, Barry." He scratches the back of his head. "But how do you know about the letters?"

"Anne kept ignoring them because she was annoyed it was anonymous. But it was pretty easy to tell." Diana said, a grin forming. "It was pretty specific about how pretty you thought her hair looked, and the constellations in her freckles, which as I recall, happened to be a conversation you guys had on homecoming."

Gilbert started to say something, but Diana put her finger up. "Anne tells me everything. She's my best friend! And I have a pretty damn good memory." Diana pulled out a box, which he assumed were filled with his notes, and gave it to him. "Save the love letters when you know she needs to feel loved. Now then, let's plan this this date of yours."


Anne was very nervous. She tried not to be, but it wasn't really working. All of Saturday morning, she trudged through her closet, not finding anything suitable enough to wear for her first date.

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