Chapter 10: Come Again Another Day

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i'll just let y'all read :)

The car ride to Anne's house was dead silent. Jerry, who was driving, was trying very hard to be focused on the road. Everyone was still, all looking ahead. It was quite the nervous thing. Gilbert was very much scared for what Ruby would say. He didn't want it to get in the way of things with Anne. He needed her. She needed him. That's how it is.

Finally, they rounded the corner and into Anne's driveway, and Gilbert, Anne, and Ruby all got out. "I'll be right back Jer," Ruby said with a smile as she got out of the passenger's seat with the others.

They were walking up to the door when Ruby stopped, and both Anne and Gilbert turned to look at her.

"I'm not mad." She said, looking at Anne. There was silence.

"You aren't?" Anne said, taking her hand.

"Of course not! How could I be anything but happy for one of my best friends? And although a few weeks ago I would have been absolutely livid," She sighed, "I have Jerry now. He's sweet and kind, and he speaks fluent French! How cool is that?" She laughs and looks at Gilbert now.

"Gilbert, I am so sorry I kept my crush on you a secret, and I'm sorry it had to burden you and Anne. You should be together. I knew from the first party this year, it was in your eyes that you were drawn to her. It's my fault that Anne wasn't wanting to talk to you, and I'm sorry about that."

"Ruby, you don't have to apologize for your feelings, and it's completely fine," Gilbert said, taking Anne's hand and pulling her close. The rain had stopped, and so had the awkward aura. All three of the teens smiled.

"I'd better get going. Jerry wants to take me to his house." She said turning and skipping away, waving as she did. They drove off, and another roll of thunder came along.

"Well, that went better than I thought it would," Anne said, looking at Gilbert.

"It definitely did. We better get inside," They went through the front door. "Is it okay if I stay here for a little while?"

"Of course," There was a silence. "Um, do you wanna go to my room?"


It was warm in the living room, a fire crackling, and there seemed to be a smell of cranberries. As they walked upstairs, Gilbert noticed the old family pictures on the wall. He stopped to look at a picture of a man and a woman in wedding attire.

"Who's this?" He asked. Anne smiled, grabbing his hand.

"That's my grandparents. I never got to meet them, but isn't that dress so romantical? When I first moved here, I always loved looking at it."

He smiled up at her, grabbing her waist. "I think you would look very pretty in a dress like that."

She laughed, and he was aflame again. "Thank you, Blythe."

"You're welcome, Shirley."

They continued their journey up the stairs, and finally reached her room, which was all white walls that were filled with photos. Not photos of faces, but people. There were some of the sunset, some of tree's, some of houses. It was a variety of different things, places, and people. Gilbert was in awe. As Anne set her camera and purse down on her dresser, Gilbert continued to roam around the room, touching the pictures.

"These are really good Anne." He said, turning to her. She was brushing her damp hair and smiled at him.

"Why thank you. I love to try and capture life itself. Not just people, but everything that surrounds living, because that's what motivates life, you know?"

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