(Arrow/Olicity) All Things Come To Those Who Ache Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Koky

                                                                    CHAPTER 1

It’s winter time. It had been 5 months since Oliver had lost everything and trapped Slade in the Supermax facility. But everything was starting to feel right again. He had gotten Queen Consolidated back, which wasn’t easy, but with the help of Felicity and Diggle, he was able to pull it off. He was so glad to have them in his life never taken them for granted. Not like before. He had learned his lesson.

Diggle and Lyla were glowing with happiness with the arrival of their first born, they had remarried and were now living together not too far from the Queen Mansion. With the baby on the way, Oliver definitely gave Diggle a raise to get a new place, starting fresh with happy memories. Knowing that Christmas was only a week away, Oliver definitely had some last minute shopping to do. Looking around the Mansion, even though Moira and Thea were no longer there, he felt their presence. He had taken the time to decorate the house. Remembering last year when he didn’t realize it was Christmas until he had seen the tree Moira had set up. He had honored her this year. A white tree this time he thought. It symbolized the light inside him that had taken him so long to get back. It was decorated with beautiful red and green lights, ornaments he and Thea had made together when she was young, popcorn string he had made with Robert and a Silver Star for the finishing touch. As he stared at the tree with a smile, he had looked at the presents below, all tied up perfectly stacked one on top of the other. He heard a knock at the door…

“Hi, ready to go?” It was Felicity. She was wearing a long purple winter coat, blue denim jeans, and black boots with fur surrounding her ankles.  Looking ever so adorable, she greeted Oliver with a smile.

“Uh, yeah I am, let me just grab my coat, come on in.” He said as he gestured towards the living room. As she made her way inside she looked around at the décor. She, Diggle, Lyla, and Roy helped Oliver get the mansion together. They had become quite close since that occurrence with Slade. Since the lair was destroyed, even though they had the second one, they made it a routine now to have get togethers at each other’s houses. It was more of a family now, and less of a team, but still a team nonetheless. That would never change.

“Do you want some eggnog or something before we go?” Oliver asked politely.

“No thank you. I actually just had some before I came by. With a little bit of rum, it was delicious.” She said with a wide smile.

“A little early to be drinking isn’t it?” Oliver laughed.

“Hey it’s the holidays. Besides with all those last minute shoppers out there, it’s bound to get a little crazy. Just the other day some old woman tried to steal my can of cranberry sauce and box of candy canes. So because of her age I reminded her diabetes wasn’t the way to go.” She quickly turned to Oliver, thinking he would judge her, and shrugged her shoulders. All he did was smile.

“Shall we?”

“We shall.” Oliver opened the door for her closing it as they made their way towards the car. The drive to the mall wasn’t bad, especially since it was rush hour; Oliver definitely expected there’d be more traffic.

“So the house came out very nicely.” Felicity said as she reached for the radio looking for some Christmas jingles to listen to.

“With hours of decorations with all of us combined it better have.” He turned to her looking away from the road for just a second.

“Oh yes! She said pumping her fist in the air. I love this song. Even though I’m Jewish, I still enjoy old fashion Christmas songs.” The Christmas Song by Whitney Houston came on just as she stopped turning. “See my Dad was Christian and it was Mother that was Jewish, he’d make sure that I had some presents every Christmas in case he wasn’t around. So I guess you could say I had the best of both worlds for a bit. It wasn’t until after my dad left that my mother really started to raise me as Jewish more. When I was little, the few good things that I remember, was coming down the stairs on Christmas morning, mom would make Star of David shaped pancakes whilst I opened my gifts, she wasn’t too fond of Christmas songs so afterwards I’d sneak in my room and play this song. I mean don’t get me wrong, I loved Hanukah, but there was only so much a little girl could take of that Dreidel song and Hava Nagila.” She said widening her eyes. “Then after we ate, she would take me down to the rink and we’d ice skate for hours together taking pictures. I would fall every time, but I never cried. Maybe once or twice, and when I did, she’d buy me hot cocoa...EXTRA marshmallows! Couldn’t forget the marshmallows.”  She said reminiscing looking towards the window. A few minutes had passed by, while she closed her eyes listening to the song....”Although it’s been said many times many wayssss, Merry Christmas, da da da da da da da”…She turned facing Oliver…

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