All Things Come To Those Who Ache Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Koky

Felicity finally arrived to see Lyla. She pulled in the driveway forty-five minutes later. Lyla and Diggle’s new place was a real upgrade. Much better than Diggle’s apartment, given that it was a house. It was a white house with brown shutters. They had a front lawn with neatly cut grass that Roy would actually mow for them every month or so during the summer. But in the winter time it looked like a snowy paradise. The lawn was a necessity when they were house hunting. Lyla felt it would be good for the baby on nice days when they wanted to enjoy the sun. They had a front patio with a glass table set on the left that included cushiony rose petal seats. The other side of the patio displayed a porch swing. On the front door there was a golden chime attached on the top right corner. Diggle wanted that in case an intruder were ever to enter. He thought having an alarm, would be too loud for the baby’s fragile ears. And since Lyla was a part of A.R.G.U.S, the house was already bugged with cameras. The windows had a tiny layout of roses connected to the outer window sill and the light snow that fell upon it made them look even more beautiful.

It was a three bedroom house. The nursery was right next to the main bedroom, and the guest room was further down the hall. The nursery was adorable, painted with yellow walls for a neutral color and it had a zoo animal theme. Dolphins, monkeys, parrots, and white tiger cubs everywhere. The crib itself had the design of ocean water. That was Roy’s idea. He said it was so the baby could “Ride the waves” as it slept. Those were his words.

Felicity and Lyla were like sisters now. It was great feeling for her because hanging around three men all day, seriously called for some female bonding time. They would go shopping every once in awhile and Felicity usually went with her to her doctor’s appointments when Dig was unable. If Lyla were having hormonal episodes Felicity would drive right over and meet her, so much so, that she would actually fall asleep with Lyla in the bedroom. Diggle was always there when that happened. If she were crying, he would panic and make it worse. Felicity would always laugh and say, “Move over Dig. This is a woman thing.” He’d get kicked to the curb right in the guest room.

Felicity got out the car with the shopping bag in her hand. Once she reached the front door, she dug her hand inside the dirt from the flower pot to grab the spare key. Only she and Oliver knew where the key was buried. She opened the door and walked inside to the kitchen. She put the ice cream in the freezer and placed the pickle jar and spare key on the dining room table.

“Hello? Lyla?” She yelled out while unbuttoning her coat and throwing it over the chair. There was no answer so Felicity walked to the bedroom making sure to grab the pickles first.

KNOCK,KNOCK,KNOCK. Felicity knocked softly pressing her ear against the door.

“Come in.” Lyla was sitting on the bed crying.

“Hey what’s wrong?” Felicity turned to look at the lengthy mirror near Lyla’s dresser, “Did you look in the mirror again? I told you not to.”

“No!!” She belted out sniffing. Felicity sat down next to her handing her a tissue from the Kleenex box she had beside her. “I…I couldn’t…I tried but I couldn’t. Lyla was stammering and took a deep breath.

“Couldn’t what Ly?” She waited in concern.

“I couldn’t bend down far enough to put my boots on!” She started to cry hysterically and grabbed Felicity for a big hug. She nearly took her head off. Felicity started to pat her on the back and smiled trying to contain her laughter.

“Ok, calm down, I’ll help you put your boots on, where are they?” She looked down at the floor searching.

“I threw them, they’re over there.” She released her arms from Felicity’s neck and pointed her finger to the other side of the room. Felicity picked them up and walked back over to put them on Lyla’s dangling feet.

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