after a monster and super hero fight

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Tom: Edd! You're hurt!
Edd: I'm ok
Tom: I'm sorry...
Edd: don't be~

Tom brushed his clawed hand against the other's cheek, who winced at the contact.
Edd smiled, looking up at the monster boy.
He felt a little bad for the eyeless boy's missing canine, but he was too tired to think about it.
The blue hoodied boy swept the other off his feet, carrying him somewhere safe.
Carrying him home.

He set his ripped caped friend on his bed, pulling the blankets over him.
Edd huffed, "I'm not helpless, ya know."
"I know." Tom grinned, getting into the bed beside his friend, laying his tail over the injured boy.
The cola boi pouted, wrinkling his nose before he snorted, "Sure."
Monster boi chuckled, burying his face into Edd's neck, who pat Tom's head and played with his ears.
"You're ridiculous." The super hero smiled, bumping his forhead against the other's.
"You're one to talk." The eyeless boy countered,  looking at the boy's hands as they stroked his fluffy ears.
"Are these permanent??" Edd asked happily, scratching and pulling at the monster's ears.
Tom purred, "I sure hope so."

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