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"You must understand your weaknesses, Princess," a sharp, young girl's voice hissed in your ear. "Do not let your enemies learn of them first, it shall be your downfall and your rising."

"If it shall also be my rising what is the point of fighting to avoid it?" You questioned back to the voice, keeping your (e/c) gaze aimed at your hands.

The girl chuckled, "There are three ways to rise back up after being taken down, Princess," she sighed, the sound of metal against metal close behind your head. "The first way; a revolution, or, rebellion. You get taken down, you're nothing but a lowly prisoner for the new royal family that's taken over, yet you still fight for what is yours by blood! With the help of angered people of villages, even old family friends within the ranks of Dukes and the Lords can be your best ally in such a time to fight against them, get your throne and crown back into your possession by force.

"The second way is much less invigorating, more so of a hit and miss kind of plan, meant for a back up only when absolutely needed. Deception; such a lovely word that describes the work so well!"

You could hear her let out a short laugh and clap of hands, like she was trying to make some child feel better after losing with a reward at the end of it all.

"You're taken in by the next royal family that takes over, yes, a downfall indeed but not quite at the same time! You still hold some power over your subjects, they respect you and that's why you'd be so valuable. You'd likely be married to the eldest son or become a horrid mistress to the new king," she emphasized her distaste for such a ranking for a noble woman clearly, the venom dripping of her words and how she sounded like she was going to get sick.

"Play your cards right, get the king to trust you. Maybe even the queen too! Then that's when you take action, whether by hiring an assassin, or doing the dirty work yourself by getting some crimson splattered upon your hands and silken dress!"

Upon another chuckle coming from the girl's mouth your spoke up.

"What about the third way? To not take downfall and keep rising up?"

"Oh, impatient as you always are dear Princess! Alright, continuing on to the last way to continue your reign in a time of chaos. You erase all your mercy, don't let yourself be taken down in the first place, you absolutely can not have hesitation in leveling armies of the enemy. Sending mercenaries, assassins and your own army out to protect your birthright. No official rise, no fall. Not until all is said and done, you feel the horrible aftermath of your choices; but it is all worth it in the end. You get respect, glory, you're seen as a genius for protecting your empire!"

"But there is the cost of countless lives being lost, what if such a tactic is to only fail and their lives had no meaning to be destroyed?" You asked, tightening your fist around the amulet in your hand.

"Then there's that, but you certainly must know it is impossible for this empire to truly fall!" The woman laughed as her dark dress appeared in front of you before it disappeared to your left.

Standing up you looked out the barred up window, framed by the stone walls that made up the castle and dungeon of the region.

"Of course, not while there's a seer within the castle," you commented sarcastically, not daring even a glance towards the cloaked woman who stood in the shadows.

A sharp toothed grin etched itself onto the lady's face, her two red eyes gleaming as her other six eyes with three on either side also glimmered at the comment from underneath the hood hiding her face.

"I may be seen as a truthful seer Princess (Y/N), but I am also a traitor. Why is it you've come here to my lovely tower cage in the first place?" she asked.

"Nothing specific exactly," you calmly answered.

"We both know that's a lie, and I don't take lying very well dear Princess," she hissed.

"Alright know about the boat crashing on the shores of the kingdom yes?" You reassured.

"Since when do I not know what's going on in the reaches of our land?" She retorted.

Rolling your eyes you ended the conversation swiftly, "Well it comes from another land, with knowing many other lands at that. My mother and father are sending me away to make an alliance with one of the lands, I was permitted to request one protector who I trusted. So I hope you're ready for rough waters, we're sailing at high noon tomorrow."

With that you spun on your heel and left the tower cell, the cloaked woman standing there in complete shock before she went back to her regular height and form, a small smirk on her lips as a young girl's voice escaped her lips.

"Good to see you're still as smart as ever dear Princess."

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