Chapter One

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Princess (Y/n) walked down the steps to the dock that the boat stopped at, a small smile on her (s/t) face. Saigo followed at her heels in fox form, seven tails waving around. (Y/n) quickly snatched up her fox friend, laughing as Saigo yelped in surprise. Then growled lightly her ears folded back only to perk forward a moment later.

"Well, what village are we going to?" Saigo grumbled.

(Y/n) shrugged, "Don't know, you'll probably recognize it when we get there though since you did say you lived here once," she answered.

Saigo suddenly went stiff in her arms, tails suddenly falling as her ears laid back.

"Saigo-chan?" (Y/n) questioned concernedly.

"I hope we're not going to where I think we're going," Saigo whispered quietly, as if scared.

"Why?" (Y/n) asked.

"Princess, let us start going before I tell a story of my past," Saigo sighed.

Princess (Y/n) also sighed, "Alright, but you're going to tell me," she said sharply.

-30 minutes later-

"We've been traveling for five minutes of silence, start explaining Saigo," (Y/n) said frowning.

Saigo shifted back to human form, a sad look on her face which shocked Princess (Y/n). Her fox friend usually never showed emotion, as it was a rule from the land Saigo came from.

"You know of my Clan, correct?" Saigo asked first.

"Yes," (Y/n) replied.

"Then you know our ability to live forever unless killed, correct?" She questioned.

(Y/n) nodded.

"Yet, even then you still can't kill us," Saigo sighed, making (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes widen. "We usually have a choice to live a new life when killed or just...die. But every once and awhile a person doesn't get a choice at any time, usually only able to die. But..."

The fox girl took a breath, more as if to calm the anger than keep sadness or anything else down.

"But, I am the first person in 100 years to only be able to keep living," she stopped.

"That doesn't explain why you should be so scared to go to a certain village-"

"I'm not scared to go to the village!" Saigo snapped, fangs showing as she bared her teeth and eyes flashed pure back before she went back to normal. "It's just that...before you were born I had a life in a village here, I was friends with a boy named Minato. But as all lives have their pure lows, I was not there when his son was born or to save him and his wife before they died by the nine tails."

"I then tried moving on, but I couldn't knowing I could have done something. No, I was too busy trying to save myself from bleeding out. I thought I could still have a chance to get on good terms with the Namikaze I used to be good friends with. Only to find he was dead along with his wife Kushina."

"I wanted to protect their child who they died saving but," Saigo's voice cracked, "instead I left, left the one village that had people I cared about and cared about me. You know what I did? I went and drowned, earning myself yet another life. I got one as what I am now, a seven tailed fox that gets to protect her best friend. I still have my memories of course...but I don't even know if the people I knew are still alive or not...and I'm not sure I'd be able to handle it if I found out they weren't"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment, opening her mouth to say something before Saigo leaped to her feet screeching.

"Stop the carriage!"

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