A/n: Important! And Sorry...

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Hey people who are reading this! Sorry, no this is not an update, sadly. But! It is about the next update! I have gotten stuck on what to do now, so you guys get to help decide!
There are two choices on how this story shall go;
1- Follows along the series
2- Just wing it and make stuff up as I go~
So you get to tell me what to do with this story! If it is to follow the series then it will start the day Chuunin exams are found out to be happening~
So here is how you vote: for option 1 you vote on this chapter, for option 2 comment!
Also, are you guys okay with me having Saigo be there around the main character all the time? If not I'll easily find a way to get her out of the story, but you guys have the choice of her staying or not!

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