Chapter Two

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The carriage jolted to a stop nearly making Princess (Y/n) fall, a guard opened the door and Saigo leaped out. Her seven tails waving back and forth behind her and ears now perked forward. (y/n) watched curiously, never had she seen Saigo go hybrid with her forms.

"There's ninja up ahead waiting for the carriage so they can attack and take the Princess. You two, come with me while the rest of you wait for my signal before coming," Saigo said quickly, disappearing with the two guards following.

The one driving the carriage opened the window behind him to look at the Princess, smirking as they dropped their facade to reveal themselves as ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist[1]. The Princess' eyes widened in fright.


Saigo stopped suddenly, spinning on her heel and connecting her fist to one of the guard's face. The hit caused the ninja to go unconscious and his illusion dropped. The other guard then dropped their own illusion to reveal Princess (Y/n).

"That was too easy!" Saigo chuckled darkly.

(Y/n) looked at her friend with wide eyes as she watched the brunette fox's ears and tails disappear.

"Come on Saigo...before you end up doing something bad..." (Y/n) said, softly taking the fox girl's arm and pulling her along.

Soon they reached the village's gates and Saigo froze. (Y/n) came back over to her her friend and gently shook her out of the daze.

"This is the village isn't it?" Princess (Y/n) asked.

Saigo nodded still in a slight daze before smirking, eyes flashing a red making (Y/n) sweat drop.

"I know where I'm taking you to eat as soon as we enter the village~" she chuckled.

"Ugh, what is it?" (Y/n) questioned, dreading the answer.

"Don't look so unhappy Princess! Ichiraku's(?) Ramen is the best you'll ever have!" Saigo said, leading the Princess to the gates.


She led the Princess to the ramen shop, bringing her inside and sitting down at the little booth.

"Two bowls of beef ramen, please," Saigo said, ordering for them.

When the bowls got there Saigo thanked Ichiraku and paid for it while the two ate in a nice silence, once done they left towards where they would go see the Hokage. (Y/n) noticed Saigo kept glancing around, realizing her friend probably felt someone watching them she guessed it wasn't anything but Konoha ANBU keeping an eye on them to not do anything bad that would set the treaty as false.

After awhile of walking and getting looks from the people of the village they arrived at what looked like a school, Saigo leading the way for Princess (Y/n) as she knew where she was going. Soon arriving at what looked like a school. The brunette fox girl opened the door for the Princess, bowing slightly before leading the way yet again to a door being guarded by two ninja.

"What business do you have with the Hokage?" One asked, narrowed eyes looking at Saigo.

"To discuss the terms of Princess (Y/n) living in Konoha and peace being made between our land and yours," Saigo said calmly, a small smile on her face with her own brown eyes narrowed.

Both the ninja's eyes widened before bowing slightly, "You may go in," the second ninja said, opening the door.

They both entered, hearing the door shut Saigo bowed slightly when an old man looked towards the two.

"It is good seeing you again Lord Hokage," Saigo said in a joking voice.

The old man looked surprised slightly seeing Saigo (Y/n) noticed as the fox girl sat the Princess down on one of the chairs in front of the Hokage's desk.

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