Majin Android 21 x Ultra Instinct Villian Male Reader

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*No ones Pov*

You were watching all the destruction you had caused and were laughing at it, you had just destroyed New York and watched all the people dying.

???: Oh look what I have here! A man laughing at destruction, maybe this one will be tasty unlike all the other garbage humans.

You look over to see a women with pink skin wearing a black top and white baggy pants. You didn't bother to question it. She appeared to your left and went to go punch you, but to her surprise you caught her hand and pushed her back.

You: what the fuck are you?

You question and she giggles.

21: I'm Majin Android 21, but you can call me 21 for the short time of life you have left.

She threw a barrage of punches but you dodged all of them and you punched her and made her go flying backwards.

21: I love a man who's rough, but, just die already!

She shot a giant Ki blast and you just smacked it away. You smirk and point your finger at her. You shoot a beam past her head and laugh at her frightened reaction.

You: I would leave unless you have a death wish.

You turn your back on her and start to fly upwards she follows you and grabs your leg.

You: One death coming up!

You smack her downwards and she lands into the a building that was still standing. The building crumbles and you just laugh. You start to here something moving. You get closer and before you could do anything a arm reached out and grabbed your neck. "Listen I'm tired of you smacking me around!" She punches you into a building and it falls. "Now you will be a good little boy and you'll be mine!" She smacks you into another building. You pass out and after you wake up, she wished all your powers away with the dragon balls and you were forced to marry her until you can escape with the sweet release of death

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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