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Crybaby - Melanie Martinez

Today, the Bangtan Boys were going to be having some staff stay over so they could all get to know each other better. Luckily, everyone began showing up after breakfast, so Jin didn't have to make extra food.

But this means that none of the littles are allowed to slip, unless they want to be made fun of.

At sight of the first three staff members, Jungkook and Hoseok rushed around cleaning up little objects that might be seen before Namjoon let them in. They gathered each of the objects into a large black garbage bag and quickly threw it in the nearest room, which was Yoongi's. The loud crash of the items in the bag startled their hyung into waking up, immediately making him in a mood.

"What the-" He started. "The staff are here!" Hoseok said in a rushing tone.

Yoongi jumped out of bed and tried to get pants while running out of his room at the same time.

They were only having six staff members come over, which wasn't much of a big deal. But that means they are going to have to wait for six people to leave in order to have the sounds of six pairs of eager Bangtan feet running about.

"Hey guys!" Namjoon cheered as he finally was able to open the door.

They each exchanged hugs with him and were greeted by Jin and Taehyung who were both standing behind Namjoon.

Jin noticed a pacifier that could easily be seen if the staff walked any further into the house. So before anyone noticed, he swiped it away, but one staff member caught eye of the movement.

"You okay?" He questioned.

Jin's mouth formed a line smile and he nodded eagerly. "Oh yeah, totally."

"So, what do you guys have planned for us?" A female staff member asked. Namjoon and Taehyung made eye contact with each other, and shrugged in response.

To be honest, the Bangtan Boys hadn't really thought about what they were going to do until that very moment.

"We could go outside and play with the snow?" Jimin suggested from the kitchen table.


Who would've known that the biggest mistake of the whole night was going to be creating a snowball fight.


Jungkook knew.

He knew that at some point, someone was going to get hurt and slip. He just knew it. But Hoseok had said not worry and to have a little faith in them. But trusting them not to slip was also a mistake.

"Oh sorry Jimin!" An older staff member said as she accidentally bumped into Jimin, knocking him face first into the snow. Six of the snowball fight members gasped, the rest (the staff) continued on as it didn't matter.

Jimin slowly got up from the snow, Jungkook and Hoseok already at his side. Minnie's eyes filled with tears, threatening to fall at any second.

"Hahaha!" The youngest male staff pointed at Jimin. "Minnie's a crybaby!"

"Jong-Min! Do not laugh or point at someone when they are hurt, don't point at anyone no matter what!" A female staff said, scolding the little, who's name is apparently Jong-Min. At least she wasn't too harsh.

But all the BTS members looked lost and confused, except for Jimin, who was still freezing in the face and slightly crying.


There we go!

I'm sorry for such a short chapter, I guess this would be called a filler chapter?


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