Prompt 3: "Because nobody cares about me!"

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Veronica had noticed that JD wasn't in his usual spot at the back table during lunch. She tried to ignore it, but she couldn't make that pricking feeling of worry go away. Of course, Heather Chandler had to notice this.
"What's wrong Veronica? Scared your little boy toy won't show up to lunch?" The other two Heathers giggles at her 'joke'.
'God.. those two are like sheep.' She rolled her eyes but ignored her comment. Luckily, just as she said that JD walked in and sat down alone, as usual, and began reading his book. Veronica immediately felt a sense of relief, but that worried feeling refused to leave.

It was when JD looked up that her relief turned sour, and her worry turned to shock.

A dark purple bruise had blossomed on his eye, and as soon as he noticed Veronica staring, he looked away. Veronica was in shock. What the hell happened? Was he in another fight? She'd catch up with him after school to ask.


As soon as the last bell rang, Veronica sprinted to the back of the school, knowing that was where JD parked his motorbike. She waited there for him, and perked up when she noticed him approaching.
"Oh hey Veronica." He said almost sheepishly.
"Care to tell me what happened to your eye?"
"Not gonna beat around the bush? Okay, I can work with this..."
Veronica raised her brow and crossed her arms sassily at JD's sarcastic reply. He was stalling, she could tell.
"I skidded off the road and bumped my head, it's no big deal." He shrugged. "Do you want a ride home?"
Verona sighed, but smiled kindly.


JD gave Veronica a quick kiss before she hopped off his bike and walked up her driveway. But was she looked back at the bike as he drove off, she noticed something.

There wasn't a single scratch on the motorcycle.

This was unnerving, to say the least. Suddenly, realisation hit her like a smack in the face.

My mom died when I was eleven.
My dad tends to drink a lot.
My dad and I don't have the best relationship.

All of the things he said came flooding back to her. He didn't skid off the road. He didn't hit his head. She had to go talk to him. Immediately.


Veronica climbed through JD's window, glad that her boyfriend never fixed his window lock. She looked around, and saw him walk into his room with a confused expression.
"Veronica? What are you doing here?" He shut the door behind him and helped her to her feet.
"Not that I'm not happy to see you." He added with a mischievous smile. Veronica ignored his suggestive comment and looked his straight in the eye, a serious demeanour radiating off her.
"I need to talk to you."
His once playful expression changed to a confused one, and he nodded at her to continue. Veronica took a deep breath, but she couldn't help the lump that formed in her throat and the tears that stung her eyes.
"I... I know what's been happening. With your dad. I know everything..."
She watched as JD's face became mortified. She buried her face into his chest.
"I'm so sorry..." She squeaked, almost pathetically, as a sob raked through her.
"Veronica..." He whispered. "Please don't cry, it's not your fault."
She shook her head, his words only causing her to cry harder. She looked up at him.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" She didn't mean to sound bitter, but she couldn't help it. Part of her felt... offended, somehow, that he didn't say anything.
"Why didn't you say anything to anyone?!" She almost shouted. She knew she'd regret that later. Suddenly, something inside JD snapped.

"Because nobody cares about me!"

Veronica's breath hitched when she saw how much his eyes were glazed over with unshed tears.
"Not even my own mother cared about me enough to stick around, and it's all because of the monster who created me! Who was going to listen? I don't have a family. Fuck, I don't even have any friends! What's the point?!"
Silence was what followed. Fragile silence. Only shattered by Veronica's weak whisper.

"You have me...."

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