Prompt 8: "There is no 'us'."

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Veronica was supposed to be there for him, and she knew that. But alcohol and self-pity is never a good mix. And looking back on her actions, she couldn't help but feel a shame she had never felt before.

But nobody can change the past, especially the regret you have about the things you did.
That will never change.


Maybe going out with the Heathers wasn't such a bad idea after all. And... Kurt and Ram weren't that bad either.

Heather Chandler had noticed Veronica had been down lately, or as she said, "Depressed because her psycho boyfriend isn't giving her enough attention."
So naturally, she invited her to hang out at Kurt's house. Veronica was hesitant at first, but since she wasn't going to be spending her time with JD (considering how distant he had been lately), she accepted.

Oh, how she wished she had said no.

"Veronica! Lighten up, you haven't had a single drink!" Slurred Kurt, sliding over and handing her a glass of some of the most foul smelling vodka she had ever seen.
"I don't feel like drinking, Kurt." She stated simply. He snorted.
"You're such a wet blanket sometimes, Ronnie." She rolled her eyes at his annoying remark, and looked away frowning. They pair were currently sat down on his couch alone, the other Heathers and Ram having rushed off somewhere.
"Look, just one drink, okay? It'll help you loosen up, and actually have fun." Persisted Kurt, holding the glass out to her once more. Veronica looked at it thoughtfully before arriving to a decision.

She snatched the cup, downing it quickly. A wave of dizziness hit her, and she wanted more.
"Hand me another cup." She said quickly, a state of urgency in her voice.
"Woah, Ronnie! You are a legend!" He passed her another cup, filled to the brim with the pungent liquid. She didn't care, downing it as quickly as she could, and asking for another.

After what seemed like five, Veronica laughed drowsily and looked over mischievously at Kurt. They stared at each other for felt like an eternity, before Kurt pressed his lips to hers, wrapping one hand around her boob.

And you know what? She didn't pull away.


Never in her life had Veronica thought that she could feel so much shame. Especially when she woke up naked in Kurt's bed. Regret immediately flooded her senses, and she shambled about, panic rising in the pit of her stomach. Kurt wasn't in the bed with her, and she sincerely hoped he had left the house to run an errand or something. She just needed anything. Frantically, she gathered her clothes, rushing out of there as fast as she could.

On her walk home, she finally let the tears fall. She hugged herself tightly, guilt plaguing her with every step she took.
'I betrayed him... oh god, I cheated on him.'
The severity of the situation really sunk in as her phone began to ring. She jumped, but calmed down when she saw that it was only Heather Chandler.
"H-hello?" She put the phone up to her ear, sniffling slightly.
"Veronica! I am so proud of you!"
"Kurt's been telling everyone about your little fuck-fest! Hell, he's been sharing pictures of you asleep on his bed with only a blanket covering your modesty."

Veronica felt sick.

She quickly hung up, sprinting the rest of the way to her house. She slammed her door shut, sliding down to the ground, her body shaking as sobs raked through her. She glanced at her phone, her background taunting her. A picture of a grinning JD, looking carefree and happy. She remembered when she took that photo. They were in her bedroom, dicking about as they usually did, and for some reason Veronica felt the need to capture that moment. And you know what? She didn't regret it.

But now...

Oh god, what would JD think of her now? There was no doubt in her mind that he'd seen the pictures. She sighed, a futile attempt to calm down.

She had to see him.


Veronica didn't bother knocking as she rushed through JD's front door. His driveway was empty. His father wasn't home. But he was.
"JD?" She called out tentatively. She climbed the stairs, then walked into his bedroom. He was staring out of the window, his back turned to her, a cigarette between his lips. His phone was in his hand, and Veronica could tell he was scrolling through some pictures.

His trench coat was gone.

"JD?" He tossed his cigarette out of the window.
"You know, when Kurt called me I thought he was just taking the piss to try and wind me up." His voice was flat, but it sounded like he was... laughing?
"Kurt called you?" She asked quietly.
"Then he showed me the photos."
He turned to look at her, a smile apparent on his face.
"You fucked up, Ronnie, I'm not gonna lie."
She looked down, feeling so nervous she was shivering.

"You know, it's funny."
"Remember a couple months ago? When it was my mom's anniversary. You told me that I needed to move on, and that I should forget her because I had you."
"How is that funny?"

"It's funny because I believed you."

Veronica felt her blood run cold in her veins as his expression turned sour.
"I believed you. I can't believe I was so stupid!"
"You're not-"
"You say that, but you had no problem playing me, didn't you?! I was right all along when I told myself that everyone that I ever loved was either going to leave me or die. I was fucking right!"
"No! Don't come near me, you know that I can't be trusted around you. But you're not going to fool me this time, no way."
"JD please, I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing!"
"You should go."
"I'm not leaving until we fix this!"
"Fix what, exactly?"

"There is no us!"

Those words stung Veronica like a slap to the face. Both of them were crying openly, not finding a reason to conceal their tears. JD sniffled.
"I'm embarrassed, Veronica. I'm completely humiliated. I really am."
"I'm sorry, Ronnie..." He looked at her with nothing but sadness and love in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I shouted, and... I'm sorry I wasn't good enough."

Veronica's breath hitched in her throat as he turned away from her.
"You should go now... goodbye. I love you." He whispered, only loud enough for her to hear. Veronica didn't have the strength to reply. So after a moment, she turned and ran away, ran as fast as she could back to her house.


JD looked at his gun. He felt the weight of it in his hands. Sighing, he clicked the safety button off. With a teary smile, he looked up.

"Bye, Veronica... I'll see you soon, Mom."

Heathers One-shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن