The video 1/2

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As I walked through the school doors, the hallway lit up with chatter. Everyone started to talk to the person next to them while covering their mouths and looking at me. Just fan girls, I guess. I could care less anyways. As I approached my locker, everyone crowding my locker almost broke their legs to run away from my locker...or perhaps me? Whatever. While I roamed through my locker, I heard the clacking of heels. I didn't hesitate to see where the noise was coming from, but didn't fail to hit the back of my head on the door of the locker while at it. I groaned in pain as I lifted my head to find a giggling Hyuna. My face quickly turned from a pained expression, to anger.

"I see you just didn't get the fucking memo." I growled through my teeth. She quickly put on a horrified face and raised her hands in surrender.
"God, No! Don't hit me again," She begged and scream while getting on her knees and bowing at my feet. "I'm so sorry, Y/n! Please don't hurt me...again." I was totally confused. Why is she begging? What the hell is wrong with her? Why is everyone so afraid of me? I pulled my feet from her and everyone gasped.

"There she is! She's right there...Exo!" A female voice shouted. I looked towards where the voice came from to find a random girl and Exo. They ran over to Hyuna and I, I gave of the feeling of relief as I started to approach Exo as they got closer to me.

"Thank Jesus! You guys wh-" I got cut off by Lay.

"Oh, shut it, Y/n!" I was shocked. Why would he say that?

I scoffed and started to point at everyone. They ducked as my finger pointed towards their direction. "What the-. You guys, what's wrong?" Baekhun rolled his eyes.

"Don't act innocent, now!" Xiumin screamed in my face. Him yelling made me mad and also sad. I didn't even do anything.

"What did I do?" I asked in a small voice. Suho let out a fake laugh. 'Oh, so she has amnesia, now!' He joked, making everyone laugh. He pulled out his phone and shoved it in my face, showing me a video. It Hyuna up. It made me mad.

"How did you get that?" I whispered. I lifted my head and yelled, "Delete it!" Chen scoffed.

"Honestly, Y/n, I knew you were a good person, but this video is giving me second thoughts. How can you just use your powers recklessly like that?" He whispered my ear. I closed my eyes and tried to regain myself. I can't cry. I won't cry. "So get a whole of your fucking self and show dominance" A voice in my head screamed.

I covered my face and started to laugh.

"Do all of you really fucking believe this! A fucking whore! Someone who's did worse!" I ran up to Hyuna and forcefully grabbed the hem of her shirt. "I'm curious Hyuna. How the fuck did you not get jail time? How the fuck did you get away with lighting my house on fire and killing my little sister. I'm really fucking curious, now. Tell me, why. Why didn't she banish you to hell, when she had the damn chance!?" She had smirked in my face and made an announcement.

"Listen up, everyone! Song Y/n, has SUPERPOWERS!"


(~Bangtan Shesus~)

A/N: Thx for over 100 reads!

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