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    She finished taking off her other shoe when he spoke up.
"I love you" He said to her.
"I... I love you too..." she said, doubting herself. She didn't really believe she loved him anymore, not since he's been acting weird and off lately.
"I want you to suck my dick. Seriously, not as a metaphor" he said, pulling out his penis. She froze. She didn't know what to do, her anxiety and fear taking over and her unable to try to escape.

"What the fuck? No! We're 12!" She exclaimed, scooting away from him.

(a/n: there isn't any locks on her closet door that's why he sat in front of the door frame and like right underneath the doorknob)

"It's fine!" He said.
"No it ISN'T!" She yelled. He got up and grabbed her wrist and pulled her over to where he was sitting.
"DUDE STOP!!" She yelled. He just shushed her quietly.
He forced her hand around his dick, and made her hold it. Alyssa thought it was warm, veiny, and beyond disgusting. She noticed it was a little hard, but didn't exactly know the meaning yet...

"Just suck it, please" he said desperately.
"N-no!" She yelled, trying to escape his grip. He pushed her head down to try to suck it and she pushed against his shoving. She finally broke free and scooted away.

Shit how do I escape? My closet is so fucking hot! She thought.

She wasn't wrong: her closet is always hot. The air conditioning doesn't reach it as fast, and it's a tiny bit blocked, but so far it works fine, except it's constantly warm in her room, and extremely hot in her closet. Her window in her closet is also a contributing factor to the heat, so she was starting to sweat. She sweat not only because she was scared out of her mind and close to having a minor panic attack, it's also like a million degrees in there.

"Why won't you just suck my dick?" He asked, getting aggravated.
"Well one: we're fucking 12 years old, and two: no matter what age you are sucking dick is disgusting and retarded!" Alyssa shouted.

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