Chapter 1

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"Amy!" my mom yells exasperatedly at me for the umpteenth time, but I don't leave my spot on the window seat. She hasn't once called me by my name.

"You are going to be late for school if you do not get up right now!" my mom knows this would usually send me rushing about the room trying to get ready, but it didn't matter today because I was already ready. After a few seconds of silence, I hear my mom make her way down the hall, coming to my door.

"Amy," she says pointedly, with that mom look on face. The one that says she is really trying not to get frustrated, but she knows she is.

"That isn't my name, Mom," I say in my light sing-song voice, looking up from my drawing.

"But it is a nickname, and it is what I call you. You know this, honey," my mom turns on the light in my room, ruining the perfectness of the natural light that streams through the windows in the morning.

"My name is Amethyst, you named me that when I was born. If you don't want to call me that, then why didn't you name me Amy?" I let some frustration through my voice, but not enough that my mom thinks I'm too upset.

"I don't feel like having this talk again, Amethyst. You need to get ready for school, it's the second week of school, and you don't need to be late already," my mom walks over to me, and pulls me to my feet.

"If you haven't noticed I'm already ready," I respond, closing my sketchbook and putting it in the middle of the window seat. I place my pencil diagonally across the black cover, and fix the yellow circle pillow I was sitting against.

"How early did you get up?" my mom asks while I go around closing all the curtains in the room. I just shrug my shoulders, I don't pay attention to the time when I get up. It doesn't really matter, I just get up because I can't sleep and I start drawing or painting.

"Well, we have to leave soon, so get your stuff together," I make a face at that sentence.

"I'm walking," I respond, sitting down on the ground and grabbing my white high top converse from under my bed. They aren't really white anymore, they are splattered with paint from when I wore them while painting on accident.

"It's raining, Amethyst," my mom says, pointing to the window I was just sitting by.

"It is?" I question, "I didn't notice."

"You'll catch a cold or ruin your schoolwork," my tries to fight a battle she has already lost.

"That's okay, I like the rain," I say, smiling at my mom. I stand up and straighten out my light pink sundress, giving a tiny twirl in it. Then I grab my cropped jean jacket off of my light blue bed. I had put it on there earlier when I got dressed for the day, the jacket is too warm to wear in my bedroom.

I pick up my messenger bag and slide it onto my shoulder. I stop in front of my mirror, and stare at myself for two seconds before turning to my mom.

"Florida weather is annoying," I say, starting to walk out of the white walled room.

"We don't live in Florida anymore, honey," my mom sighs, following me.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Where are we?" I reach the front door, and turn to face my mom, waiting for an answer.

"We live in North Little Rock, Arkansas," I nod my head, remembering her saying that the other day. I walk out the door, and start walking to school. The rain soaks my almost instantly, but I don't care. I love the rain. I skip down the sidewalk, twirling around in a circle. I make it to school on time and go to class.


I don't really remember what happened during school. I never really remember what happens during school. No one there stands out, everyone always wears the same dark clothing. Seriously? Dark clothes? That is so boring. Who wants to look like a ghost? It was brighter in Florida. From what I remember at least.

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