Chapter 5

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"I'll be there, Amy," Charlie says, laughing through the phone. I smile along with him even though he can't see me.

"Okay, see ya!" I say through the phone before hanging up. I continue smiling as I join the rest of my tennis team in practice.

"That boy is going to drop you so fast one day. I don't think you understand that, girl. He is going to fall for your other "friend" Lena, and they are going to leave you in the dust," Angela says, punching me in the arm after warm-up stretches.

"You're crazy," I say laughing.

"Everyone sees it," she says shrugging her shoulders.

We do some practice matches, but the whole time I'm thinking about Charlie. People have warned me about him, and they all say that Lena isn't really my friend either. I don't believe those people, though. Why would they have stuck by my side for three years now if they didn't like me?

"Is Charlie coming?" Angela asks me after practice as everyone is leaving.

"Yeah, you know he is always late," I say while smiling and scrolling through Instagram.

"He gets later by the practice, why don't I take you home?" she offers, but I shake my head.

"I would be a bad girlfriend if I asked him to take me home and then had someone else do it," I look up from my phone to see Angela shaking her head.

"I'll see you around, Amy," she says before climbing into her car and driving away.

After ten minutes of sitting there with no word from Charlie, I call him. He doesn't pick up on the first call, so I chalk it up to him driving. After another five minutes I call him again, but he doesn't pick up. I call him two more times without him answering, but when I try again, he answers.

"Where are you?" I ask, not able to keep my voice happy.

"Um, chillin' at home, why? You want to hang out?" he asks suggestively.

"I want you to pick me up from practice like you said you would," I say through gritted teeth. I think Angela was right, but I don't want her to be right.

"Oh crap, Amy! I thought you were someone else!" he says, and I can tell he is on full alert now.

"Were you ever coming?" I ask him in a small voice.

"Yeah, no. Sorry, Lena wanted to hang out, and I've been expecting her to call for a while now," he says, and I scoff.

"Wow, so everyone was right about you. Well, then we are over," I say, laughing sarcastically.

"Were we ever together?" he asks me, and I just go silent.

"Plus, Lena and I were trying to decide how to tell you that we didn't want to be around you anymore. It is too emotionally straining, or whatever, to deal with a girl who wants to kill herself. Like, take a chill pill, your life is fine. I mean, you had me," he says in a lazy voice.

"Clearly I didn't," is all I say before I hang up, and sit down on the curb crying. I slowly dial my mom's number, not wanting to admit that Charlie was not the idiot, but that I was.

"What's up honey?" my mom says, and I let out a sob.

"He isn't coming, and I am stupid for thinking that he ever would," I sob out. How stupid could I have been to not see what was in front of me? I was so naive to think that those two ever cared about me. I should have listened to everyone else. I'm so freaking stupid. I vaguely remember my mom taking me home.

I remember getting home, and then I found the knife. The knife that led to all the blood...

I wake up in a cold sweat, all of my blankets and pillows shoved to the ground. I'm curled up in a ball in the middle of my bed, covered up by nothing. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I splash some water on my face before going back to my room, I throw my hair up in a ponytail, and pull out my paintbrushes.

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