Chapter 7

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"I'm home!" I hear my mom call, but I don't respond. Instead, I turn up my music louder, drowning out the sounds around me. Judah and the Lion blares through my speakers, as I pick a new color to add to my painting.

It started as a self-portrait, but I don't know where it has gone. My inner self coming out on the canvas ruined the original picture I had in my head. There was the silhouette of a girl, and she had a flower inside of her.

The center of the flower was a hot pink, but the petals slowly went from pink to purple to gray. The rest of the inside was filled with gray, black, and blue swirling together in some odd dance. Outside of the girl was not much different. The top of the canvas started with a bright yellow, but then it slowly went to green then at the bottom was black.

After a few more strokes, I put down the paintbrush and stand back. I don't know where I was going with this, but it looks cool. I sigh heavily before turning off my music and going over to my window seat. I open the blinds to the windows and stare out at the gray world.

The gray world reflecting my mood. I don't like being in a gray mood, but something about William's actions put me here. Did he remind me of my brother? Because I really miss my brother, but Alec doesn't come around that often. Even when he does, he really only talks to Mom. I don't think he loves me anymore.

"Time to eat!" Mom calls to me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I close my eyes tightly, fighting against the images of my brother leaving for college. I open my eyes again and walk out into the kitchen.

My mom has made grilled cheese and tomato soup for us. I take my seat across from her at our small kitchen table. I take a bite of my sandwich before chewing and looking up at my mom. I watch as she takes a bite of her own sandwich. I continue staring at her until she finally looks at me.

"What is it, Amethyst?" she asks, using the voice she only uses with me. The one that sounds really tired and worn out, like she is fed up with me.

"Does Alec love me anymore?" I ask, dipping my sandwich into my soup and taking a bite. I glance at my mom to see her frozen and staring at me in shock.

"Of course he does! Why wouldn't he, Amethyst?" Mom raises her voice slightly as if what I asked was unreasonable. Of course she doesn't see what I see, no one sees what I see.

"Whenever he comes home he doesn't pay attention to me. He always calls you, but never asks to talk to me," I stop talking at the horrified look my mom is giving me. I take a sip of my water before eating my sandwich and soup.

I've finished my food, but Mom still hasn't responded. I give her a look before standing up and going to my room. Mom gets like this sometimes, she will look at me funny when I ask her questions and then she doesn't respond as if I will forget my question.

I grab my sketch book and start drawing something random, my thoughts taking over. When I decide my drawing is done, I actually look at what I was drawing. William. I drew William. I guess my subconscious is trying to speak to me.

I pick up my phone and unlock it. A message was waiting on my screen, William's name taunting me. Did I go too far when telling him about my past? Maybe I just won't say anything else about past events. Normal friends don't talk about dying, right? Honestly, I don't know.

William: Are you okay?

Amethyst: Maybe.

I stare at my response. William will ask what I mean, and I'm not quite sure what I mean.

William: And that means...

Amethyst: I don't know. I guess I'm fine, but sometimes I'm not.

William: That didn't help me at all.

Amethyst: I didn't expect it to, but if a better explanation comes to mind, let me know.

I close my phone and place it face down on my desk. I should probably do my homework since school is still important. I wish school wasn't important. Why do I have to learn math and science if all I want to do is paint?


My phone buzzes, waking me up from my dreamless sleep. I don't even remember falling asleep. I look down at the book that's on the ground, I must've dropped when I feel asleep. I stand up from my spot on the window seat and grab my phone from the desk.

William: Hey, hey, hey

William: I need your help

William: I don't know what to tell Amanda.

William: I need a fast lie about something fun I could be doing

William: nvrmnd, I told her I hung out with you.

That last text had me wide awake. It was the most recent and the one that woke me up. Why would he tell her that? Now I have to lie about hanging out with Liam the next time I see her. That isn't good. Amanda always knows when I am lying.

Amethyst: Now I have to lie. I can't lie.

William: She can't ask about us hanging out unless you say something. Otherwise she breaks patient confidentiality.

Amethyst: I wouldn't be surprised.

I rub my hand down my face, trying to wipe the sleep away. It was dark outside. It was probably late enough for me to change clothes and go to sleep. I pull a gray sweatshirt out of closet and throw on some pink and white striped shorts. Sleep sounded so nice right now.

William: You've never asked me why I go to therapy.

Amethyst: I don't like questions. And it is also none of my business.

William: Ok.

Amethyst: Are you wanting me to ask?

William: It doesn't matter.

Amethyst: Okay.

William: Goodnight, Amethyst

Amethyst: Goodnight.

I quickly plug up my phone before laying down and falling asleep.

Author's Note~

Hello all of my dinos who have waited like an entire year to read this story. I am struggling with writing and finding inspiration to keep writing when I get no feedback (positive or negative) on anything that I do. I have about one fan I can count on, and she's awesome. It's just hard to write for no audience except myself. I hope you understand.

Until next time,
Hopefully I find a friend

~TheMusicLovingDino 🦕

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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