Chapter 6

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I walk into school and glance around the hallways. Looking for the only face I would know. I see William in a group of guys, they are all laughing and messing around. I give the group a look, those boys are annoying.

They kept trying to talk to me when I first moved here, and they wouldn't leave me alone even after I asked. I continue my walk down the hallway as if I didn't see the group, not wanting William to have to leave his friends. I make it to my locker, and quickly pull out all of my supplies. I shut the door and jump in surprise when I see William on the other side.

"You are always so lost in thought," he states as I turn to walk towards my class.

"It is a habit of mine," I say, a smile on my face.

"You also don't smile a lot. So, I wanted to talk to you about your text last night," I turn to face him as he says this, but he keeps his head straight.

"What about it?" I prompt him to speak, he is acting... odd. I just asked him a friend question! Right?

"Well, why did you send it at 2 in the morning?" he questions glancing at me, I start to tap my fingers slowly.

"I couldn't sleep. Why were you awake that early?" I counter. As far as I know, not that many people stayed up that late.

"Couldn't sleep," he responds smoothly, shrugging one of his shoulders.

After a moment of silence he speaks again, "Why did you ask me that question?"

"It's complicated," I blurt out, not looking at him. I don't want to tell him about Charlie and Lena. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

"Is it about what Amanda wanted to talk about?" he persists with his questioning. I think he is related to Amanda, they both ask a lot of questions.

"Yes," I say after a pause, my fingers were tapping rapidly now. I was hoping that we would reach my class soon because I was dying to get away from the questioning. He doesn't need to know about Charlie and Lena, they don't matter anymore. I don't care about them anymore, so I shouldn't have to talk about them.

"I said I needed an explanation," he says, stopping in the hallway to face me and crossing his arms.

"I never said I would give one," I say back before turning away and hurrying off to class.

I felt bad for leaving him in the middle of the hallway, but he was asking too many questions. Does he have to know everything about me to be my friend? Is that a rule for friends? He seemed to be just laughing and goofing around with that group of boys, they didn't look to be asking a lot of questions.

I go through my entire class not paying attention to what the teacher had to say. William was making me feel weird, and I didn't like it, but I didn't want to just let go of this sorta friendship we had going. The more I talked to him the more I realized how I actually wanted to have a friend.

I make my way to my next class in a numb state, trying to figure out what was going on in my head. I'm about to turn the corner in the hallway that leads to my class when someone running full force plows into me. I fall straight back, hitting my head against the wall of lockers and dropping all of my stuff.

"Ow," I say, touching the back of my head gently, at least it is not bleeding. I get onto my knees and reach for the few notebooks I was carrying.

"Don't stop in the middle of the hallway next time," the person says sarcastically.

"I was walking, you were the one running full speed," I say quietly, my head pounding from the hit.

"Oh please," I look up to see a boy standing there with all of his things in his hands, he looks like he is about to sprint off again. I don't respond, but decide to slowly stand up.

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