Part III.7

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> continue: iteration 29, day 9, morning

"What," I say flatly. "Just... what."

Thing is, it's not just a floating island, I realize as I stare at it. It's a floating mountaintop, and I'm pretty sure I know which one. I rush back to my desk and dig through a few drawers until I find the binoculars. Sure enough, soon as I get them adjusted, there's Ryuudo Temple sitting on top of the hovering landmass. Backed by... wait. Isn't that the big tower from the von Einzbern place?

> keeping binoculars by the window huh

Shut up! It's not like -- you're a bad influence, you know that?

> kekekekeke

So let me get this straight: Wednesday was... I don't know... Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Thursday was Silence of the Lambs. And now it's Miyazaki? What the hell?

> kinda like watching a netflix queue on random

I hear the roar of jet engines in the distance, followed by a loud noise that sounds like a combination pipe organ and meat grinder. A huge skeletal dragon the size of a bus passes over our heads and dives further down the hill. There's a loud crash and a number of screams as it lands somewhere below us.

Wokay. Make that Miyazaki with a side order of Harryhausen.

I look at Saber. She looks at me. "I should probably --," she says.

"Yeah. Please. Yes." I hastily get out of her way. Saber leaps out the window and is gone in a flash.


> skip forward

By the time I get dressed and catch up with Saber, she's standing in a crater over not one but two dragon skeletons, smack dab in the middle of what I'm fairly certain used to be someone's house. She holds up her hand as I approach. "Stay back. They keep trying to --"

One dracolich --

> hold up
> draco what now

Dracolich. That's what you call an undead dragon. +3 to CR.

> :cough:nerd:cough:

Whatever. What the hell else am I suppose to call them? Draco-zombos? The Flying Dead?

Anyway, one dracolich shifts a bony wing, despite currently lacking a head. Saber brings her sword down on its claw with a grunt.

"Pull back. I've got it."

Saber jumps out the hole. Before the skeletons can so much as twitch, Archer riddles them both with arrows. They explode. When the flames clear, there's nothing left.

Archer lowers his bow. He stands on the opposite side of the crater from us, alone. "Where's Rin?" I ask.

"She... went missing last night," Archer admits with a sigh.

"What?!" Saber glares at the other Servant. "Why didn't you tell us?!"

"Because I was busy actually looking for her, that's why," Archer snaps. "I can tell she's still alive, at least, since I'm still getting mana from her."

I glance at Saber, who nods. Same for her and Shirou, then. I tilt my head. "What about your telepathic link thing?"

"She hasn't been answering my calls," Archer says. "I got exactly one message back from her this morning. No details, just her location."

fate/first order derivativeWhere stories live. Discover now