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One day, perhaps a month later, Yoshimoto is laying in bed, trying to sleep - sleep has been a bit of a commodity since she'd been brought to this strange place - when she rolls over onto her stomach and immediately feels uncomfortable. She jolts awake, shifting onto her side, her hand immediately coming to her stomach. She's always been average when it came to weight, but she notices, as her hand glide over the skin of her belly that there's a bit of bulge. For a moment, she's puzzled - she's been fed well, but not enough to garner this amount of weight gain in the two months she thinks she's been here.

And there's the stress to think about. She normally loses weight when stressed - but here she is, gaining as if she's...

Even in a panic, Yoshimoto doesn't need to confirm the lack of menstruation to know that it’s late. Super late.

And as she cradles her stomach, she cries.

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