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Yoshimoto's still screaming, pleading and spewing profanities when a figure finally maneuvers around her. They prod and poke and examine every part of her even though she’s trying to tell them that she’s done nothing wrong and that they need to let her go.

She tries to control her breathing, but the sobs that rack through are her are violent and unforgiving and shreds apart any and all the voluntary movement she's been allowed up to this point. And they're prodding her and poking her and muttering something she can't understand because she can't stop her cries long enough to hear anything they’re saying. Her body and her mind are of two different entities. The tears come in torrential waves, and all she can hope is that this storm comes with an eye and a bit of calm.

At some point, she passes out. When she comes too, she’s been replaced in her bed in the room she’d started out in. She’s too exhausted to research the room -- there’s a pain coming from her stomach that has her doubling over and unable to clearly think.

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