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It takes several times of returning to the chair, that Yoshimoto finally stops screaming. And at some point, it turns from one person to two to three. And then some. They all look the same -- she’s likened them ghost with the way the remain slack jawed and moon eyed above her.

She definitely cries and she’s still, absolutely, terrified, but she starts to listen as the people in white prod and poke and talk. She knows they’re speaking her language - but the words are different. She hears the normal prepositions and conjunctions - it's an easy thing to determine since her entire life has revolved around language since she acquired her degree in Journalism. But there are words she doesn't understand, words that sound so foreign she'd never be able to recreate, so she supposes that they are either scientific in origin or words from another language altogether. Which is just as well -- she basically flunked science in high school and she suddenly, desperately, wishes she'd paid more attention in her science classes in college. But she still listens because, eventually, she hopes to glean something from the meticulous jargon.

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