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It's a few weeks later that something peculiar happens: one moment Yoshimoto is lying in bed, staring at the wall, and the next she's on the ground and feeling nauseous when, suddenly, she dropped on her ass in the corner of the room. She hadn’t physically moved, but her body is not where it had been a moment ago.

What happens next happens so fast that Yoshimoto can only do her best not to vomit. The door slams open and she’s apprehended and dragged from the room, down the corridor, into a chair and strapped in. She's still reeling and fighting her bonds when a deep voice permeates the air from behind her, "Yoshimoto Tohru."

She feels a thrill of fear rush through her at the voice articulately run over the consonants and vowels of her name - and it's been such a long time since someone, anyone, has called her name - and she's terrified by it.

"Predisposed, aren't we?" If Yoshimoto were one for bravery in the sight of fear then she would have had a snappy comeback - but weeks of confusion and near starvation on an already typically nice-tempered young woman has proven to remove any sense of fire and fight from her character. "You'd think women like you would come with a label - 'illogical genetic programming.'"

"I-" She swallows, but her mouth is dry and she's breathing heavily and she feels the nausea intensify.

“There’s no need for hysteria. Faculties aside, I’m only interested in your safety - and you’ve been such a good guest, it’s hard for me to believe that you meant to cause myself or my staff any undue worry.”

She desperately confused -- but something inside of her bends submissively. “N-no,” she stutters, voice raspy from lack of use. “Of course not.” She wants to fight, but she’s so tired and desperate that she literally can’t.

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