✿Chapter 6: Happy Late Aug. 15th

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HAPPY (very very very very late) AUGUST 15TH! sowy for not updating sooner DX just got lazy and what not so yeah... I'm such a lazy person =w=

Narrator POV

After that incident, Kido had basically beaten up the trio as part of their punishment. Kido and Momo had sincerely apologized the owner for the damage Konoha caused, which Momo's manager had to pay for.

The concert was delayed for reasons Momo didn't want to tell them, but in the end Momo rocked it and everyone was satisfied. Almost the whole Dan got to go backstage with Momo, except for Hibiya, Shintaro and Konoha, which was considered as a small part of their punishment. By the way, Kido is making up the punishments as time goes by, so there'll definetly be painful ones in the near future...

Seto POV- Back to That Night...

Before, I used to think that my power was basically a crappy power that steals people's innermost thoughts. It was simply a part of me that I totally despised. But now, I feel different. It's as if the snake inside me has made me notice it's more than just that by making me misuse my power.

"I love you," I told Mary as I thought of this. It was the only way to keep me sane at the moment. I can't bear to think that I'm actually starting to like my powers. And if I did, would it change me too much?

"I love you too!" She told me, her cute face lighting up. She never changes, I thought. She hugged me tight, making my heart speed up, and the thoughts about my powers disappeared. She kissed my cheek, and I kissed hers. Then I kissed her sweet, pale lips, which were curved into a small smile.

I kissed her passionetly, and I didn't stop until I moved away to breathe in and out for a moment, my heart throbbing against my chest. I gently stroked her smooth, white hair, which I could have sworn smelled like the flowers from the forest, where I first met her.

Mary POV- Still that night...

Over the years, I finally had enough strength to control my power. Now, as I look into Seto's eyes, he doesn't freeze up like he normally would; the snake inside me had slowly died the past few years, finally leaving me in control. Although from time to time, people are still able to freeze up a little when they look in my eyes.

I'm close to being an ordinary girl. I'm starting to age normally, as a human would. My hair doesn't slither and shake as if there were a bunch of snakes on my head. I can brush it now without it having to hiss at me.

Can it get any better? Yes, it can. How? Well, I still need to learn to quit being such a baby. I still act like a little kid, even though by now I should act like a young adult or something. Seto says I'm okay just the way I am, but I disagree.

"You wanna go to sleep?" he asked me. I nodded my head no.

"No, not yet. I'm not very sleepy." I lied. Seto smiled at me, which made me feel safe and calm, as it always would whenever he shows me any sign of kindness.

Just as we were going to kiss again, we heard a loud noise, as if a piece of paper was being ripped apart. Only this was 10 times louder. There's only one answer to this;

"Konoha." we said at the same time. Of course. This hasn't been the first time I heard something ominous and loud. It sounded as if a door has been torn apart, which, of course, Konoha has done before. What the heck happened? (I think you guys remember...)

Back to Present~

Konoha POV(jokes and what not intended... so it should be a funny POV if not, then I failed Dx)

I don't understand what I did wrong. I only did as Hibiya told me, so why was I scolded by Danchou? Shintaro had said, "it's probably that time of the month for her", whatever that means.

Anyway, it's too bad we don't get to go backstage with Momo and the others. I've been told that the parties they have back there are amazing, but of course it's because of the food.

I wonder what they're eating right now. My knowledge with food is still small, so for all I know they could be having amazing exotic foods...

My stomach began to make noises, and I looked down. I can't really express what I'm feeling right now, but it is safe to say that I feel... empty.

Ene-chan promised me that she would try to sneak some food for me, which makes me happy. I wonder what she'll bring.

Hiyori-chan also promised the same thing, so I'm really looking forward to it. I feel like time moves too slow.

Right now, the three of us are in the tour bus, and Hibiya was sleeping, so it was only me and Shintaro.

He had his earbuds on, which meant that he didn't want to talk, as far as I knew. He had also done nothing wrong, in my opinion, but one thing I learned here is that Danchou is the leader, so what she says goes, and Kano always does the opposite.

Which reminds me; why did Kano attack Danchou? And why was he not punished also? This is very suspicious, but I don't bother asking. If only I hadn't listened to Hibiya...

In my head, something clicked, and I understood now. This is all Hibiya's fault. I stood up from the chair I was sitting on, grabbed a pillow, and threw it at Hibiya, who was still sleeping.

"What the-?" Hibiya yelled, then looked at me with big, wide eyes. "What was that for?!"

I made my eyesight smaller by looking at him with half-closed eyes, just like Danchou did whenever Kano did something stupid. I think it's called squinting.

He also did the same. "Konoha, quit it. You look weird when you do that. Stop." I stopped.

"...Your fault Hibiya." I said while trying to squint at him again, but it's pretty hard, considering that I can't even frown at him, because I'm not really mad. I feel like I look like a monkey.

"What's my fault? Us being grounded? But you took part in that, too! Don't blame me!" he said.

"It's your fault I don't get to go eat," I said. My eyes started feeling wet, like it always did when I don't get what I want. It's mostly because of food, though.

"Nonono, don't cry!" Hibiya said, obviously surprised. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? Just don't... cry. You're a guy. Guys don't cry-"

"What the heck are you talking about?" Shintaro joined in the conversation. He had taken off one earbud, and was also squinting at Hibiya. How is it so easy for them??

"None of your business," Hibiya said plainly. Shintaro grunted.

"Well then," he murmured. He continued to ignore us and listen to music. I sighed, which was something I learned to do whenever I was not in a "good" mood. I wiped the tears off my eyes.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll cook you something, okay?" I nodded and quickly stood up.


Narrator POV

Backstage, at the concert. Roughly 1 a.m.

"You were great, Momo!" Hiyori exclaimed, clearly bursting with happiness, as the Dan walked towards the bus. She had bought a bunch of Momo merchandise, which Kano tried not to laugh at. But, of course, he did, just to tick her off a little. It was around 1 a.m., so the beach was totally deserted. Hiyori and Ene had leftovers for Konoha as promised, and they were both talking about how cool Momo was.

Seto carried Mary on his back while she was sleeping. She had suddenly gotten tired, so he gladly let her sleep on him. Seto eagerly listened at the girls' conversation, amused by Momo's sheepish replies about her performance.

"Hehe," Momo awkwardly smiled at them, unsure of how to react on this fangirling moment.

Kano and Kido trailed behind, not really listening to the others. Somehow, Kano had a hold of Kido's hand without getting hurt in any way, and they walked at a steady pace, looking at the stars.

"So, think there'll be more vacations in the future?" Kano wondered aloud. Kido thought for a moment.

"I don't see why not. It's fun to loosen up and have fun, even if you guys tend to get annoying," she glanced at him. He chuckled.

"Love you, too, Danchou."

She quickly elbowed him on the ribs.

Love and Lies ✿(KidoxKano & MaryxSeto)✿Where stories live. Discover now